After a slow wet week there was finally a break and we actually got some sun! Just in time for the Tegan and Sara concert on Saturday night.. not that we get sun at night but it meant that it wasn't raining and miserable while we were standing in line with all the teens.. however I did manage to see a couple of people who were older than me so I didn't feel SO outta place.. just a little. It was pretty cold tho standing in line but I guess you can't win them all.
Anyways lets step back a little and start off with Saturday morning.. we figured seeing as it was quite nice and we were going to use the free card to go into the concert, we may as well get full use of the 22 hours of free public transport.. we have good ideas sometimes. So off we toddled.. and for the first time in ages we got to not only sit on the train but it wasn't a loud annoying trip but that might have something to do with the fact that we were in the quiet compartment haha however on the way home we got to sit too.. and it was quiet.. and we weren't in the quiet compartment! Ace!!
We arrive and head off to do our thing.. when this pops up! 
Ok it didn't just pop up, coz well that would be a pretty amazing feat but it was already erected but sadly closed so I wasn't able to go and scare the crap outta myself.. maybe oneday I will go back and do just that tho and maybe I will be feeling extra brave and go in the VIP compartment that has a glass floor! haha
Moving along.. we went around the stores.. buying a few things here and there.. nothing of real importance.. or well actually we got a couple of things of GREAT importance from the American Store.. and that would be 2 packets of Tim Tams.. I know.. I know they are not as good as Chit Chats, but I don't have a shit show in hell of finding those here. O how I do miss some of the great biscuits of my homeland.. Chit Chats, Mallowpuffs, Toffee Pops, Gingernuts, Ginger Kisses, Swiss Cremes, Hokey Pokey Squiggles! O the list goes on! It is prolly a good thing that I can't have all these things readily available.. I might then become as big as a house rather than a truck. However I did find some fair trade cookies at the supermarket in Lund.. it was a new supermarket so I had to check it out.. and by new I mean it was new to me but prolly quite old to Lund.. so umm anyways I found some ginger fair trade cookies.. which were quite nice, they had little candy chunks of ginger which got stuck in my teeth and so every time I ran my tongue over it I would get a little ginger sizzle.. it was quite ace! haha
In the cold, in the line, surrounded by teens and the odd oldie.. we waited for the doors to open.. which seemed to take for freaken ever but once we were in, checked in our jackets with.. I swear the slowest and most useless jacket checker inner in the world.. we then headed to the merch table to get Em a hoodie before going to try and find our spot for the evening and we ended up with a decent spot against the rail on the next level.. which is always nice and means you don't have to contend with tall people.. which is always a bonus. It wasn't long before the opening act came on..

He was quite funny and I didn't mind his songs.. live but that was coz of the whole act more than anything.. he was very very good and I for one would like to know how many years practice it took to be able to get one's leg to shake like his did and not fall off.. however he did manage to spit a big one at someone along with falling over and getting a gash on his arm.. but the show must go on!
I must say he really pumped the place up for a good show.. someone in the audience even made him a little paper.. well I assume it was paper.. table! Kinda cute really.
His set seemed to go reasonably quickly and soon enough T&S were out and doing their thang.

A good selection of older songs along with the new ones.. and of course I got to hear my all time fave 'Living Room' which I wanted to record but alas I didn't realise that the memory card would fill up so swiftly so I barely got any of it recorded on the little camera.. but poop happens. There was lots of banter, here are a couple that I managed to record.. Jesus & Candygram sadly I managed to miss the last moments coz well like I said my memory card got all filled real quick.. anyways there were good sounds and not many morons.. it was all much better than I thought it was going to be.. so I was quite happy with it all indeed, even tho I did have a couple of moron girls behind me but that was nothing to really write home about and I stomped really hard on one of their feet. Nice. Maybe.. just maybe I could be convinced to go next year when they return.
After the concert.. you have that long wait to get your jacket as everyone pushes and prods ya.. but we got there in the end and then headed off back out into the cold and off to a pub to meet up with one of Em's work buds for a beer to kill time before catching the last train home.. which again we got to sit and it wasn't crazy noisy and we weren't in the quiet compartment.. it was one very good day for the train for us it seems.. and also for once we didn't get a new free card when using the free card.
All in all I had a very good day and it was nice to be out and about in the little bit of sun we got.. I sure do love it when things go nicely.
Sunday was an at home recovery day.. we had pancakes. It was grand. I was tired.. late nights and me don't seem to mix well.. I guess I really am getting old.. after all I will be 30 in like a month.. argh! Happy days.