Because it was the weekend.. the roads and footpaths didn't get scraped at all so it was very snowy.. and people still continued to drive like morons.. I am surprised there are not more accidents with how stupid people drive in this weather.. yesterday we saw one dude doing handbreak skids around every corner.. seriously what are you thinking dude? & while I was standing outside the bakery in the middle of town waiting for Emma.. there was a dude in a huge 4wd.. he breaked hard to stop so that people could walk across the crossing.. and it caused him to skid.. and then when he went to go he spun his wheels hardcore.. the whole way down the main and around the corner.. stupid! I am starting to lose all hope for the human race.
However I am not losing hope in Nemo's snow eating abilities and the cute little snowbeard he gets from rushing along eating the snow.. and no I still have not made the motion picture of him eating the snow! It isnt that easy ya know.. especially when you have a camera shy dog.. I did try to do it once.. without Emma along and well it resulted in him actually behaving for the walk and my hand nearly freezing off coz I didn't bring gloves! Anyways here you can see Nemo's snowbeard.. cute right?
Awesome snowflakes!!! =D