I liked it so much that I thought I would share..
coz I am nice like that!
I really love the colours of it..
I want a bunch of them for on my table!
Anyways... the weekend came.. and it went and all in all it was over and done with so far I was left saddened! Friday night was rather boring.. the tingling in my ass got so bad that I had to stop playing Yahoo Pool and go and watch a flick.. which wasn't all that great until I decided enough was enough and headed off to bed.. with Nemo in tow.. and he even jumped up on the bed! He tried to make himself comfy where Emma would usually sleep but I kecked him off.. he KNOWS he is not allowed on the bed.. no exceptions! I guess he really missed Emma. Speaking of Emma.. she didn't come home drunk so she didn't get banished to the couch.. lucky her aye? lol
Saturday was a day of.. pretty much nothing.. we had a little look around town, which was once again rather unexciting. Emma gave Nemo a bath, which of course he was less than thrilled about. Watched a flick.. 'Underdog' which was funny in its own right.. the thing that made me laugh the most was when Emma said about half way through the movie "Yeah Right!" when Underdog took his love interest for a fly around by just touching her paw.. I was like.. of all the things that have happened in this movie this is the bit where you go Yeah Right? LOL it thoroughly amused me.
Sunday.. Emma was up early and off to the gym while I took Nemo for a walk.. where he shat on himself so when he got home I have to rinse him off.. which I was less than thrilled about! Then we did the fun foodage shopping and I must admit I am craving some sugary treats.. but I am good and refrained from it, after all I am doing rather well and have lost another 2.3kg. YaY! 3 weeks down and 5 to go.. however I wish it was 7 weeks down and 1 to go! LOL
We also went and watched a friend run a race.. I think Nemo loved being around many people and sniffing things and dogs.. however he doesn't much like Dizzy.. she seems to scare him.. ALOT! Poor little old fella he is!
We watched another movie called 'Charlie Wilson's War' which was a little slow but it was still good.. the story is a good one. I have been meaning to watch it for months.. so I'm glad its outta the way now.
There was a cold breeze for pretty much the whole day yesterday.. I needed to wear my jacket.. but I was still in shorts.. coz I'm good like that but this morning.. by jingo's! it was CHILLY! I had to wear a jumper, a jacket and my beanie! and I was still a little cold.. but then after about 15mins of solid walking I warmed up enough so that I wouldn't fall to the ground and freeze to death and this morning it was soo foggy! There is meant to be rain today.. but so far I see blue skies and sunshine.. so who the eff knows! Crazy Swedish weather!
Small Boy: Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird.
Woman: It's a plane.
Man: It's a frog.
Crowd: A frog?
Underdog: It's not a bird, or a plane, or even frog. It's just little old me, Underdog.
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A banana a day makes you ready to play!