All was not lost though, we headed off to the aquarium.. which was ace! While waiting for the place to open we watched the seals having fun in their enclosure.. they are truly awesome! I want one.. or two.. actually four is a good number! lol Once inside we headed for the penguins.. they had several different kinds and they are all very amusing to watch.. in the little blue's enclosure there were a couple of rebel penguins.. while the keeper was trying to feed them all there were two little ones that decided it was more fun to run away from her and make loads of noise.. it made it very entertaining for Emma and I to watch that is for sure.
After watching the penguins, we moved on to the other areas.. looking at all there is to offer.. the giant ocean tank was pretty awesome.. it was really cool to walk around and up watching all the animals.. swimming around.. watching them all co exist peacefully. When we got to the top we got to see Myrtle being fed lettuce and stuffs.. she was simply awesome.. and huge.. and I want her! We stood and watched her get fed for ages and the keeper was talking to us about stuffs.. I would so want his job.. the feeding Myrtle part of it that is.. lol Myrtle has been at the aquarium since it opened in 1969.. they put her at around 70 years of age.. she really is awesome.
On another note.. if you want to sponsor any animals at the aquarium.. then just go here
After the tour.. we looked around a bit and then did a touch more foodage shopping.. mainly of things that we were bring back with us.. and started to make our way back home.. which is where things went horribly wrong! We got a little lost and to make things worse I was wearing new.. yes NEW shoes! Totally not cool! We walked for like an hour and a half.. had trouble finding Elm Street.. which would have put us on the right path to where we needed to go.. then hanna came to our rescue! Just in the nick of time.. took us home and then I cooked roast veg like a good house wife lol dinner was late but it was wonderful! You see we were making our own way back to hanna's to cook dinner so that when she got home she would have a lovely home cooked meal waiting.. it didnt exactly go to plan lol it was the thought that counted! haha
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