Wednesday, 9 April 2008

Weed them Out!

Websites. Seriously how hard is it to design a site that is easy to navigate, is easy on the eye and supplies you with the right information?? It appears that there are way too many sites outtherethat lack in not just one but all three of the things I just mentioned. You are probablywonderingwhy I am even bringing this up.. well you see I had to help my friend Poo! out.. or well I didn't HAVE to but I can be nice sometimes and I decided I would.. I figured how hard could it be to find some accommodation in Melbourne for a good price, that wasn't a dump. After having to weed out many completely useless sites I then had to go through site after site that wouldn't actually give you the prices until you contacted them.. I understand that they probably do this to try and get you to contact them so that they can then try and win you over and actually make the booking.. but what about those people out there who don't have time to be contacting everyone or wanting to wait to get an email response? Just redorkyouless! It just annoyed me so very much and makes me want to never use the internet to try and find anything.. one thing that annoyed the shyte outta me was that I search for Melbourne and it gives me a place in Perth... ummm not even close buddy! so yeah websites.. there are just too many completely useless ones out there and someone really needs to weed them out! WEED THEM OUT!! and teach people to design decent sites. and less porn.

I could go on and on about shitty websites but really what is the point.. it just falls on deaf ears and more and more shitty sites just sprout up anyways... so moving along to what I nearly did this morning.. luckily Emma was on the ball so it didn't end up that I locked myself out! Yes thats right.. I walked out the door without the trusty keys to be able to let myself back in! but just as Emma was about to close the door she asked me if I had the keys.. to which I then felt my pockets and said.. noooo.. so good ole Emma went in and grabbed them.. I would be so screwed without her.

Ahh lets see.. what else is there to babble on about.. not a heck of a lot. Nemo is a pain to walk these days.. altho he was rather cute today so it makes up for the annoying walks. The weather wasn't too bad.. so I guess rain really is upon us. I would like it to be nice this weekend.. so with that being said it is probably going to be shyte. My windows need cleaning.. any takers?

LOL ok so Poo! just said to me that she was going to make an account so that she could leave me comments.. I guess not realising that you don't actually need to have an account to be able to leave me comments.. it is open to all.. I don't like to make people feel left out coz like I said.. I can be nice sometimes.. but Poo! is going to be Poo! and is going to get an account anyways.. so here is the linkage to check hers out right here! Hopefully she will actually use it and I can have a little light entertainment from it.

Douglas Adams - " I refuse to answer that question on the grounds that I don't know the answer."

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