Tuesday, 22 April 2008


Oopps.. we did it again! We forgot to turn the alarm off before leaving the house because once again we were up earlier than expected. I guess this time it is payback for all the hammering that they do at all odd hours. Ahhh just a little more payback I guess! Now if only I could do it to the real asshole wankers who deserve nothing good to happen to them! I really hate my neighbours! Not all of them however.. the little old lady below us is nice.

Once again it is a beautiful day.. I am rather enjoying all this nice weather, it is just a shame that I can't really do anything more with it. Once again Emma went with me for the morning walk.. which makes it so much more enjoyable, however on the stretch which she wasn't on coz.. well she was on the train on the way to work.. anyways Nemo and I were walking and on the home stretch when swipey cat struck! I have mentioned this cat before, he hides under bushes and cars and takes a swipe at you as you walk past.. and this time he got Nemo's paw and gave him a heck of a fright and he jumped and did this little yelp.. which is probably what I would of sounded like if I was a dog. It was so very funny that I very nearly peed in my pants and the next 10mins to walk home was so hard! But thankfully I managed to make it home with no leakage! *jumps for joy!*

About swipey cat... Emma and I discovered the other day that swipey cat was in fact a different cat to sitty cat. There is this cat who sits on a porch and is ginger and Emma and I have wondered for a fair few months now if he is swipey cat, because we had never seen another ginger cat in the parts then we figured that it was the same cat... but then we were walking in the glorious sun and we saw sitty cat.. who wasn't actually sitting at the time and then just after we passed him.. we saw swipey cat running across the road.. probably to take cover and wait for some poor unsuspecting soul to swipe at.. like Nemo!

Nothing exciting happened on the lunchtime pee pee walk.. which was rather sad.. it was like everyone had run and hit as soon as they knew I was coming out with Nemo. Nothing fun was to be seen. Nothing at all was to be seen actually. Maybe aliens have invaded? Anyways its so nice out there it doesn't bother me all that much.. actually I did see one thing that I thought was strange.. the peoples who clean the stairwells for the buildings were out in full force and there was this one lady who was standing at the door and smoking while the others were cleaning and I was left thinking WTF? Lets just clean the place and leave it smelling like smoke! *shakes head*

Oh and has anyone else ever noticed how coffee with milk is a different colour to coffee with milk and sugar? or is that just me? or is that just this pot of coffee?
hmm I wonder....

George Burns - "Happiness is having a large, loving, caring, close-knit family in another city."

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