Tuesday, 15 April 2008


Ok so here we go.. first up some background..
The way the laundry system used to work was that you wrote your name down in a slot to book times so that you can do your laundry.. which comes in handy when you get an unclean washer.. you then know who to blame but alas that system wasn't working for the owners so they decided to spend some money and have a board made up and give everyone their own lock and key.. which now means you can only book one space at a time.. which totally screws me up for the week that I need two spots to deal with sheets etc and you have no idea who was in the spot before you unless you go and memorise the board everyday.. as usual the washer is gross and most of the time people don't clean the lint out of the dryer so I then have to touch other peoples lint.. so gross. The new system sucks but I have said that before.

But these things are not the nature of this ramble.. the nature of this ramble is a newcomer who has decided for the past few weeks that they are going to take the spot directly after mine no matter where I put my time up.. I am as regular as clockwork and every 3rd week I need 2 spots.. well last week once again lock #23 was there directly after me.. which totally screwed me up so when I finished my 7-10am time slot I then picked the 1-5 time slot to be able to finish everything off.. so at 12pm I decide just to check if the person had actually used the room.. and low and behold no they had not.. which pissed me off coz it would of meant that I could of had all my washing over and done with in one clean swoop instead of having to have a 3 hour break and fuck around for the day.. anyways I left it be and took Nemo for his walk and then when I returned it was about 12:40 and only 20mins left of the 10-1 time slot and the key was there and there would of been no way that the person would of had time to do anything so I grabbed the key to get stuck into my washing again.. and that is when I noticed that they had once again put there freaken little lock in the time slot AFTER mine!! Which pissed me off and made me even more paranoid.. so when my time had finished for the day I changed my time to Monday mainly to check to see if that blasted #23 would do it again as Monday is not a day I would usually pick and sure enough.. yesterday morning when I go and check there is #23 parked right in the slot after the one I had done so this time I moved it to a time slot on my usual Friday and picked the 10-1 which already had the spots after taken by other peoples. I really feel like writing a note to #23 and telling them where to effing go but I have no idea who they are.. as that number isn't on the list of names showing who is what number. I really don't like feeling like I am being fucked with and that is exactly what it feels like.. its been going on for weeks.. WEEKS gawd dang it! I hope whoever it is stops soon coz I think it might send me over the freaken adge.. which will mean that Emma will tan my ass coz I shouldn't let these things get to me.. but I just can't help it!

Anatole France - "It is human nature to think wisely and act in an absurd fashion."

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