Wednesday, 6 February 2008

Waitangi Day!

Today is Waitangi Day in New Zealand.. for those who don't know what that is.. it is the national day.. so me being a kiwi I have decided that with it being a public holiday I shall take the day off from.. well housework! coz thats all the work I really do.. so today I am going to do nothing.. which comes at a good time coz I am actually in rather a rotten mood and really who likes to do anything when they are in a rotten mood? Not me thats for sure!

So yesterday while waiting for Emma at the supermarket I was sitting on a bench.. I had Nemo and as you know.. dogs are not allowed in stores.. unless they are dogs for the blind and last time I checked I am not blind and Nemo would be useless as a guide dog! but anyways so we are sitting there minding our own business when this stinky oldish man came and sat down next to us.. which doesn't actually bother me.. after all it is a public bench and it is made for all kinds of bums. So anyways he then proceeds to roll a ciggie and start smoking it.. causing smoke to blow my way.. I think this is rather on the rude side.. I know that when I was a smoker I would at least have some courtesy for those who didn't smoke around me.. but I guess not all smokers are nice like the angel me.. lol I sat there and just put my head in my jacket and waited for Emma and then when she arrived we were on our way and within minutes of leaving the bench we look back and he was freaken gone! Bloody typical!
"Is it really that hard to be courteous of non-smokers?"

Yesterday was Fettisdagen(aka Fat Tuesday).. so we got to eat Semlor(aka Fat Tuesday Buns).. which I found a little odd, I guess mainly coz of the almond paste stuff.. still it was nice for a treat.. and unlike King Adolf Frederick of Sweden who died after consuming a meal and then 14 of them.. I would struggle with getting 2 in me.. maybe thats why I am not a king? lol

Charles M. Schulz- "I love mankind; it's the people I can't stand."

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