Wednesday, 13 February 2008

'-' mini face!

Good news!! We have sunshine in the forecast! and lots of it!
Bad news!! We will be getting below zero temps with it!
I guess you can't win them all aye? I am just looking forward to the sunshine... and lollipops! ok I might have to actually go and buy some lollipops to have with the sunshine.. I would love to have some watermelon flavoured Chupa Chups!

Emma just did the cutest thing in gtalk!--->> '-' mini face! I like faces! o_O
I just sneezed like 4 times and have a massive headrush!

I go to a site daily to see the daily find on FOUND and todays one made me laugh.. it was the sentence 'I'm looking forward to sleeping with you on an inflatable mattress soon' that started the laughter and then it just continued.. its nice to see there are still people who are.. how do I say it.. happy with the simple things in life.. like air beds and hating orange tans! lol I have to say I do enjoy doing to that site.. some of the things are rather interesting.. like all good things there are some that aren't so interesting or any good.. but yeah its still worth the daily visit. I often wish I could walk around and find little things like that.. although if I did find little notes and things here it would all be in Swedish and thats not as fun for me I guess.. so for now I will stick to just looking at the FOUND site.

Well thats all I got today.. not too much has been happening.. well lots has been happening around the world that I could sit here and pass comment on.. but I think I shall pass and bid you a good day.

Marie Curie - "Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood."

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