Tuesday, 26 February 2008


Glass!! Glass! Freaken GLASS!!
What the eff is up with people smashing bottles anywhere and everywhere? I mean seriously.. how freaken hard is it to find a bin to throw it in? I just don't get why people.. or well I guess I should say Punks.. feel the need to smash bottles all over the place! Its getting to the point where I think the safest option is to but little doggy boots on Nemo so that I don't have to worry about him slicing his paws on bits of freaken glass ALL over the freaken place! RAWR! It makes me ever so mad that Punks and I say it with a capital P to emphasize the P sound.. you know like.. Puh-unks! so as I was saying it makes me so mad that Punks feel the need to smash glass everywhere just so that they look cool to their other Punk friends!
ARGH! there is just so much glass everywhere and it is driving me insane.. freaken INSANE! It makes me want to round up all the glass smashing Punks and make them walk barefoot over flesh cutting shards of none other than GLASS! and maybe then they might just stop running around the place smashing bottles and gawd knows what else they can find that is made of glass! RAWR!! Freaken Glass smashing Punks!! *raises fist into the air and shakes it*

I need ice cream.

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