Today was baking day and bake we sure did.. that was once we had woken up and taken Nemo out and then got everything that we needed from the store.. which is always a task and a half but we got there in the end..
our end result --->
Firstly we started off with 'Mud Pie'-->
which is one heavy mother freaken thing.. tasted sickly chocolate.. you only need a slither and you are happy.. and to be honest I don't think I will ever make it again unless I was asked very very nicely.. but it was a fun process.. so while that was cooking we then made the 'Drömmar'-->
balls and put them on the tray ready to bake and once they were ready, we moved on and made some 'Brownies'-->
then once those had finished baking we had some dinner and then headed off to walk Nemo. Once we got home it was right back into the baking agenda..
first up was 'Hallongrottor'-->
but instead of using raspberry we did some with strawberry and some with boysenberry.. there would have been more with boysenberry but Emma got way too carried away with putting the strawberry in coz it was so easy and I guess loads of fun squirting in little globs of jam!
Finally we ended with 'Kärleksmums'-->
I am very impressed that with all the baking I did that the only injury I did to myself was this-->
and it wasn't even when I was baking it was when I was freaken cooking dinner!! Dang nabbit typical I must say! not that I want to actually hurt myself but its usually a thing with me.. when I am in the kitchen I end up injuring myself.. coz I sure am that good! o_O
A few things I saw today.. an oldish man standing on the side of the walkway having a piss.. I mean come on surely you can wait until you get home! bloody shocking it was! It made me wish that we didn't forget the milk coz then we wouldn't have been there to witness the peepeeman! Gross! Oh and you know something that I just really don't get... why is that people think that they have to try and beat people who are going to walk across a crossing.. it amazes me how many cars speed up when they see you either coming up to walk out or are already even walking out.. its almost like they think that you are going to hear the car rev and go "oh shyte I best turn around and let this guy go past coz he surely has somewhere better to be coz I am only walking" -_- I mean far out.. its not that hard to slow down a little and usually if you aren't speeding then I will make it across before you get there so you don't have to stop.. maybe I just don't get it coz I don't drive.. hmmm It happened to me today is why I mention it.. or well it actually happens to me on a daily basis but today the guy was really bad.. if only I could have kicked him in the shins!
So now I shall leave you on a nice note with some lovely pics of Nemo and I..
Awww aint we sweet!-->
<--& here is one of Nemo and I growling at each other.
Ahhh what a day.. I am now ready to curl up in bed and snoooooze the night away.
our end result --->

Firstly we started off with 'Mud Pie'-->

first up was 'Hallongrottor'-->

Finally we ended with 'Kärleksmums'-->

I am very impressed that with all the baking I did that the only injury I did to myself was this-->

A few things I saw today.. an oldish man standing on the side of the walkway having a piss.. I mean come on surely you can wait until you get home! bloody shocking it was! It made me wish that we didn't forget the milk coz then we wouldn't have been there to witness the peepeeman! Gross! Oh and you know something that I just really don't get... why is that people think that they have to try and beat people who are going to walk across a crossing.. it amazes me how many cars speed up when they see you either coming up to walk out or are already even walking out.. its almost like they think that you are going to hear the car rev and go "oh shyte I best turn around and let this guy go past coz he surely has somewhere better to be coz I am only walking" -_- I mean far out.. its not that hard to slow down a little and usually if you aren't speeding then I will make it across before you get there so you don't have to stop.. maybe I just don't get it coz I don't drive.. hmmm It happened to me today is why I mention it.. or well it actually happens to me on a daily basis but today the guy was really bad.. if only I could have kicked him in the shins!
So now I shall leave you on a nice note with some lovely pics of Nemo and I..
Awww aint we sweet!-->

Ahhh what a day.. I am now ready to curl up in bed and snoooooze the night away.
OMG there is a party in your kitchen and i wanna come!
ReplyDeleteI was tres slack and didnt do anything with the pictures, but then again, i had miss katie stay saturday night, and when she left around 4 yesterday i couldnt be fagged doing anything but putting on a movie and chilling out. Or as they say in superbad - "chillaxing"
Sorry! I will get there and do it tho!
Hahaha.. there was a party in my kitchen and you were more than welcome to come.. now the party has moved on into the freezer.. and Amy.. you are invited to that party too! lol
ReplyDeleteMaybe you will have to just send me a massive long email with the stories that go with the pics.. or better yet.. blog it! :P