Looks like another month of me being a pretty slack blogger but hey..
but who notices anyways?
Umm well we headed off to Copenhagen to check out the shops and have a little look around.. and most importly to buy some Boysenberry Jam.. its not anywhere near as good as Cottee's but its the best I can do so it rocks.. which means I get to have boysenberry jam & cream on pancakes for my birthday breakfast! & Emma's pancakes totally rock the boat!! Nothing like starting a morning with total goodness I say! Makes me wish everyday was my birthday.. not for presents.. but for breakfasts!!
So anyways.. we went to Copenhagen and it was packed.. we kinda knew it would be but getting Jam was wicked important!! It was also cold and a little wet... but all in all it was a good day. I nearly got killed by a bird.. The picture below is of me just after a bird swept past my face..
so close I might add that the wing touched me! *straight face* It was highly amusing tho.. it was even pretty close to Emma's face.. it swept right in between us as we were trying to take a nice photo of yours truly in front of the giant tree.. as you can see.. the picture didn't turn out so nice.. even tho I am in it! LOL That was definetly one way to start off the day in Copenhagen!
It wasn't long until we then discovered that in Copenhagen.. not only do they drink booze for breakfast but they also have snowmen holding underwear! Thats right folks.. snowmen and undies.. and here is the picture proof!

We were planning on staying longer but opted to leave a little earlier coz well.. it wasn't all that exciting and I was a little sick and tired of people walking into me and walking at a snails pace.. oh and coz I was annoyed at the stupid English store.. I got all excited when we saw it.. we went into this pokey little store and it was full of goodness! They had sausage rolls! I haven't had a sausage roll since I left Australia.. so I got a little happy.. then I just saw many other things that I haven't had in such a long time.. we picked up a few things.. including a couple little Milky Bars.. I just simply LOVE white chocolate and it seems Swedish people don't share that passion and for some reason have like NO white chocolate! It is kinda nuts if you ask me! So as you could imagine I was wicked happy to see this.. quickly grabbed a couple and there we were all ready to pay.. with plastic of course.. coz plastic is the way of the world.. especially when you are in another country! Then it happened.. we were unable to pay with the plastic that we had as it wasn't a certain card.. his machine only took one kind of card! Can you freaken believe that? In this day and age.. SERIOUSLY man! We considered going to find an ATM.. but didn't deem it worth it.. and if he is going to be stupid enough to not have a decent eftpos service then fuck him.. he just lost a sale. Simple really. But yeah after that we decided to call it a day and started our little journey home.
..I get there in the end!
So let me cast my mind back and pick out a few funny moments of the past week.. coz its been that long since I last did an entry.. actually its been a little over a week..but who notices anyways?
Umm well we headed off to Copenhagen to check out the shops and have a little look around.. and most importly to buy some Boysenberry Jam.. its not anywhere near as good as Cottee's but its the best I can do so it rocks.. which means I get to have boysenberry jam & cream on pancakes for my birthday breakfast! & Emma's pancakes totally rock the boat!! Nothing like starting a morning with total goodness I say! Makes me wish everyday was my birthday.. not for presents.. but for breakfasts!!
So anyways.. we went to Copenhagen and it was packed.. we kinda knew it would be but getting Jam was wicked important!! It was also cold and a little wet... but all in all it was a good day. I nearly got killed by a bird.. The picture below is of me just after a bird swept past my face..
It wasn't long until we then discovered that in Copenhagen.. not only do they drink booze for breakfast but they also have snowmen holding underwear! Thats right folks.. snowmen and undies.. and here is the picture proof!
We were planning on staying longer but opted to leave a little earlier coz well.. it wasn't all that exciting and I was a little sick and tired of people walking into me and walking at a snails pace.. oh and coz I was annoyed at the stupid English store.. I got all excited when we saw it.. we went into this pokey little store and it was full of goodness! They had sausage rolls! I haven't had a sausage roll since I left Australia.. so I got a little happy.. then I just saw many other things that I haven't had in such a long time.. we picked up a few things.. including a couple little Milky Bars.. I just simply LOVE white chocolate and it seems Swedish people don't share that passion and for some reason have like NO white chocolate! It is kinda nuts if you ask me! So as you could imagine I was wicked happy to see this.. quickly grabbed a couple and there we were all ready to pay.. with plastic of course.. coz plastic is the way of the world.. especially when you are in another country! Then it happened.. we were unable to pay with the plastic that we had as it wasn't a certain card.. his machine only took one kind of card! Can you freaken believe that? In this day and age.. SERIOUSLY man! We considered going to find an ATM.. but didn't deem it worth it.. and if he is going to be stupid enough to not have a decent eftpos service then fuck him.. he just lost a sale. Simple really. But yeah after that we decided to call it a day and started our little journey home.
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