The day sort of started on the 23rd.. just before midnight when the neighbour decided that it was time to start their festive party.. they reached their loudest at around 4am.. I was SO unimpressed.. but I guess that is the joy of living in an apartment.. so anyways after a shitty sleep.. Emma, Nemo and I were up early.. Nemo got the last of his advent calendar.. and while he munched away on that Emma gave me the start of my birthday pressie.
Then out the door Emma and Nemo went for the morning walk while I got to stay and relax in bed.. which after a bit got a little boring.. so boring in fact that I decided to get up, clean up a little and start getting breakfast organised.. I however didn't start cooking the pancakes.. as that is Emma's job.. she totally does the best pancakes ever.. soon enough they arrived home and the cooking begun and then we all tucked into some very yummo pancakes with cream and boysenberry jam.. BLISS! Nemo didn't get jam and cream but got his own pancake.. afterall he is part of the family.
After breakfast we then sat down and opened a few xmas pressies.. Nemo is not so good at opening his own gifts.. not like Cato, the parentals doggie.. he is pretty awesome! but yeah.. we got Nem's a little blue m&m jumper.. its a little small but still looks wicked cute.. who cares if it doesn't cover his ass.. its for inside anyways.. mainly for after baths. but yeah.. see how cute it is?

After the present opening we just relaxed at home and watched stuff.. nothing overly exciting.. its always nice to take things easy.. then we ate some sandwich cake.. which was SO fab! I devoured a nice big chunk of it.. but it still hardly made a dent in it lol
After lunch.. I fell asleep on the couch.. nothing like a mid day snooze I say.. then Emma had to wake me up coz I needed to shower and we had to walk Nemo before heading around to the parentals for the xmas feast and Donald Duck re-runs. Most of the time I was the only one laughing at the re-runs.. prolly coz I'm still new to that whole tradition lol
Then the feasting, laughing, chatting and drinking begun.. Tasty!
Soon enough it was dark and Emma played santa.. I wish she had of worn the mask tho.. like Emma's mum did for my first xmas here.. or well she didn't wear it the whole time.. coz it got to hot but she started out with good santa intentions.. so yeah.. anyways Emma handed out all the gifts and then we tucked into ripping the wrapping off..
My very main gift.. which was all I wanted..
It is my pride and joy.. and it makes a very nice brew.. I am so very happy with it.. I still need to buy a metal milk jug for the frothing tho so I can make cappacino's & latte's like a pro! but just normal coffee is creamy and yum.. Emma even said that it has converted her now.. and that is saying something.
All in all I had a really good day and it was awesome to have it start out as my birthday and end as Christmas.. over and done within one clean swooop... always nice don't ya think? Totally glad it is all over with tho.. now to get the year over with and begin the new year ahead.. good times.. I hope!
Then out the door Emma and Nemo went for the morning walk while I got to stay and relax in bed.. which after a bit got a little boring.. so boring in fact that I decided to get up, clean up a little and start getting breakfast organised.. I however didn't start cooking the pancakes.. as that is Emma's job.. she totally does the best pancakes ever.. soon enough they arrived home and the cooking begun and then we all tucked into some very yummo pancakes with cream and boysenberry jam.. BLISS! Nemo didn't get jam and cream but got his own pancake.. afterall he is part of the family.
After breakfast we then sat down and opened a few xmas pressies.. Nemo is not so good at opening his own gifts.. not like Cato, the parentals doggie.. he is pretty awesome! but yeah.. we got Nem's a little blue m&m jumper.. its a little small but still looks wicked cute.. who cares if it doesn't cover his ass.. its for inside anyways.. mainly for after baths. but yeah.. see how cute it is?

After the present opening we just relaxed at home and watched stuff.. nothing overly exciting.. its always nice to take things easy.. then we ate some sandwich cake.. which was SO fab! I devoured a nice big chunk of it.. but it still hardly made a dent in it lol
After lunch.. I fell asleep on the couch.. nothing like a mid day snooze I say.. then Emma had to wake me up coz I needed to shower and we had to walk Nemo before heading around to the parentals for the xmas feast and Donald Duck re-runs. Most of the time I was the only one laughing at the re-runs.. prolly coz I'm still new to that whole tradition lol
Then the feasting, laughing, chatting and drinking begun.. Tasty!
Soon enough it was dark and Emma played santa.. I wish she had of worn the mask tho.. like Emma's mum did for my first xmas here.. or well she didn't wear it the whole time.. coz it got to hot but she started out with good santa intentions.. so yeah.. anyways Emma handed out all the gifts and then we tucked into ripping the wrapping off..
My very main gift.. which was all I wanted..
It is my pride and joy.. and it makes a very nice brew.. I am so very happy with it.. I still need to buy a metal milk jug for the frothing tho so I can make cappacino's & latte's like a pro! but just normal coffee is creamy and yum.. Emma even said that it has converted her now.. and that is saying something.
All in all I had a really good day and it was awesome to have it start out as my birthday and end as Christmas.. over and done within one clean swooop... always nice don't ya think? Totally glad it is all over with tho.. now to get the year over with and begin the new year ahead.. good times.. I hope!
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