Wow... what a weekend! I was absolutely buggered when I got home on Saturday night and then Sunday I was walking around in a hazey daze! Today.. I am just unsure how I feel.. as I had a really bad sleep.. or well lack of sleep. I had trouble getting to sleep and then I managed to doze off and start dreaming of being in a field of flowers.. gawd knows why.. but then I managed to wake myself up by sneezing! WTF? So then I went back to the having trouble getting to sleep part.. there I was laying there all freaken annoyed listening to Emma sleeping not so soundly!
Saturday we headed off to Malmo nice and early, with Nemo in tow. We went to go and check out Jenny's new apartment she got with her man.. it was very large and rather nice.. I would totally live in Malmo if Emma and I had a nice big place like that! It was so big that Nemo just had no idea what to do with himself in there.. he was wandering around a little lost to start with.
Saturday we headed off to Malmo nice and early, with Nemo in tow. We went to go and check out Jenny's new apartment she got with her man.. it was very large and rather nice.. I would totally live in Malmo if Emma and I had a nice big place like that! It was so big that Nemo just had no idea what to do with himself in there.. he was wandering around a little lost to start with.
On our way to Jenny's place we saw a few crazy monster geese and their youngens.. they would hiss and stuffs at us as we walked by.. Emma took a couple of pics.. and here is one!
I must admit the youngens are so very cute.. especially when they still have all the fluff. I was just a little paranoid that they would decide to chase me.. geese are freaken crazy! and I mean CRAYZEEEE! He will be waiting a long time if he thinks that statue is going to feed him!
We left Nemo at Jenny's and headed off into town to do a spot of shopping.. as you well know I need some new shoes.. do you even think I could find a pair? If you said no then you would be correct! I was a little sad about it.. I just don't get why they don't have decent Jo shoes!! Its a bit shit. Another thing that is a bit shit is that we witnessed an asshole try to snatch an old ladies bag.. he was on a bike and rode past her and grabbed hold of the bag.. which we didn't actually see unfold.. first we heard the crashing sound as the ass hole lost control of his bike and crashed into the ground.. after he had knocked the old lady over too.. then he got up and tried to take off.. people started swearing and cussing him out.. one lady even threw a lemon at him.. which went nowhere near.. but it was the thought that counts right? He then rode his bike directly into the middle of a stationary van parked on the side of the road.. he kinda went splat against the back window.. it amused me. Once again he picked himself up and shock it off and rode off rather slowly... I guess he actually hurt himself.. good I say! While I was watching all that unfold Emma and another lady were tending to the old lady.. who was 80 years of age.. luckily she wasn't physically hurt but she seemed a little shaky on her feet. I just don't get why petty theives feel the need to pray on the elderly.. are they really that cowardly in their life of very petty crime to pray on the weaker ones? Is it really worth it? With seeing it happen, it really made me feel good about the fact that I don't have a handbag and that I shall never have one either.. I will stick to 'If it can't fit in my pockets then it can stay home!' Luckily I don't need to take many things with me on a daily basis.. phone, wallet, keys, dogpoopie bags(when Nemo is in tow).. that is really all I need.. lol
After all the excitement of shopping etc.. Emma and I headed back to have some lunch before heading off to be cheerleaders for the few who were running a race.. ok we weren't exactly cheerleaders.. we were just their to show our support and do a heck of a lot of walking around.. to try and get into good spots to take a few pics. Nemo had a ball.. all the people.. all the walking.. all the fresh air.. but one thing he didn't like was Dizzy.. she scares him poopless! Poor little fella.. but he was fine with her as we were out and about and he had so much more to take in.. and Jenny liked to walk so fast that she would leave us all behind.. I guess she likes walking alone.
See how happy Nemo looks? Tired yet happy as larry!
While watching the race I was surprised at how many people would try to cross the path where the runners were going.. while the runners were actually coming.. a few times I thought there were going to be some bad connections.. but luckily it didn't happen.. it really does make me think that this world is getting filled to the brim with really stupid people.. how hard is it to just wait until the race is over.. or even wait for a big gap between runners! I even saw one guy riding his freaken bike right where the runners were meant to go and getting in their way.. seriously man WTF are you thinking? and another WTF are you thinking moment can only be described by showing you this pic... click the pic to see it big.. you know you wanna!!!
After everyone had finished.. we wandered around trying to locate everyone.. which was a little harder than you would think.. why it wasn't mentioned to all meet at a certain point afterwards is beyond me.. but eventually we found everyone and headed back to Jenny's to watch the soccer match.. sadly Sweden lost to Spain by letting them score in the last 2mins.. it was a sad sad state of affairs indeed.. it was also a little bit of torture to have dill crisps sitting on the table.. and I could smell them.. and I could smell them even more as Emma ate them! but I was good and refrained.. only 1 week to go! This is my final week.. GO ME! I at least got to eat some VERY yummy bread with avocado on it.. and that was even better than dill crisps.. or well thats what I am saying now coz it makes me feel better.. but I really did want to just dig into those yummy yummy dill crisps! Although in saying that they were the low fat ones.. which aren't as nice as the other ones.. and they weren't crinklecut.. its all about the crinkle!
After the match.. off we went.. to catch the train home.. so drained and tired.. the train ride seemed to take forever and Emma wasn't really in the mood for talking so it didn't speed things up at all.. but we eventually made it home and got tucked up nicely in bed and both slept like babies.. I didn't wake up a single time the whole night and then I got up to around 7:15am to take Nemo out.. which Emma seemed less than impressed about.. but hey I didn't force her out of bed!! oh no no I did not! But we got up and started our day.. walking Nemo.. dealing with the parentals computer and then foodage shopping.. before Emma headed off to her Nikon course and left me all alone.. which wasn't too bad.. and she has Friday off so that makes up for it.. I'm used to being alone 5 days a week! lol
Its raining today and that is just totally uncool! and I mean totally uncool.. it always seems to rain when Nemo is getting trimmed and we need him to be nice and dry! *raises fist at the sky*
Fran Lebowitz - "You're only has good as your last haircut."
Ok.. a little something I forgot to add into my post..
ReplyDeleteEmma buys a new CD from a store and is rather chuffed about it, then once we get back to Jenny's she starts to look at it a little more closely to realise that she has in fact already purchased that very CD a few months prior! Yep.. can you believe it? Good to know she pays attention to the CD collection! lol