It was the album titled.. 'Kleerup'
I have listened to it all morning and done all my housework to it.. I have had it on repeat.. now I do have to say I quite like it. Sometimes it is nice to not actually have to listen to a song with words.. I'm not saying that there were no words at all in any of the songs.. just a few didn't have it and they are pretty good.. I do have to say though, it is not a good album to listen to when on an exercise bike.. especially the no words part! lol I am not a huge fan of 'dance, electronic' music but I do like the odd bit and all in all I really do like the album.. but maybe it is not to everyones taste. That is however the natural order of things!I just love it when Emma buys me stuff.. especially when it is totally unexpected.. actually I just like getting unexpected stuff. I think its better to get unexpected stuff than it is to get expected stuff.. although in saying that I want new shoes and I am sure that I will actually be excited when I finally go to Malmö to try and find a pair.. all the places here don't have a decent selection for Jo.. I am afterall VERY fussy! To my defence though.. there really is just a shit selection here.. they are either really fem or really manly.. and I want something a little inbetween.. as I am neither of those two extremes! lol Ahh something will come up.. it always does.
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