Sälka - Tjäkta
Once again.. wet, windy and cold but we got up a little later than usual.. I just really didn't want to get up at all after the crappy crappy sleep last night. As it turned out not only did we get the worst nights sleep but it was also going to be the worst and hardest day where I thought I was going to die! Nemo was all about the cuddles this morning..
Today was so freaken hard, it took more than 8 hours to go only 12km.. whereas yesterday was so freaken easy that the end of 12km kinda snuck up upon us.. the original plan was to do the two in one day, luckily we were a day ahead of ourselves so we opted to just take each part a day at a time.. and boy o boy am I thankful for that!
Nemo was a little worse for wear today, his pads were starting to wear and I think all the rocks, snow and mountain is really taking its toll on him, Emma even had to break out her She-Ra routine and carry him over some parts of it. Nemo got a nice warm bowl of couscous and vegesoup along with some of his kibble for dinner and he was so knackered that he didn't even get up to eat, but I think the warm food did him a world of good and sure as heck made him poo the next day! lol
We had Chili Con Carne & Indian Bread for dinner which was actually quite rubbish but when you are hungry and don't have much else to eat, you eat it or starve, and I also hate being wasteful.
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