Couple hours past Kebnekaise fjällstation - Singi
Today started off with a beautiful view and a very good mood, coz seriouls how could Emma not wake up and be ina good mood when this is the first thing she sees?
Dinner was really nice tonight, it was the first of our freezedried foodage.. Risotto, which was interesting and nice all rolled up into a single package.. I would have it again I know that much and then for pudding we had a Chocolate Mousse.. which was.. well lets just say it grew on you with each mouthful but I doubt I would have that again.. I would prefer instant pudd over that next time. The best thing tonight about dinner was that we cooked inside the tent which made it all so very toasty.
I freshened up with a baby wipes bath.. who knew that they were so handy!
Oh and we saw a crazy lady in red RUNNING the trail! Apparently its an event where you run the whole trail which we are walking.. umm no thanks is all I have to say! So far I don't want to walk it again let alone run it!
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A banana a day makes you ready to play!