Abisko - Hässleholm
Up earlish after bascially no sleep on the stoney, cold and slopey area.. we were all breakfasted and packed up and ready to go by 9:30am where we headed off to the station to wait for the train.. to wait 3 hours that is! but at least we actually got the tent down before it once again started to rain.. we really have had the best weather right?
Train number 2 comes and we jump on.. and yes we have to share with a weird woman and her dog.. her dog had the coolest ears lol Then after a few hours on the train.. another woman got on with her big dog.. the room is too small for 4 adults and 3 dogs.. 2 of which are big dogs! but the women with the big dogs.. parked up in the floor with their dogs and snoozed.. which meant that Em, Nems and I had the table and chairs.. under my feet I seemed to get the floor womens feet.. but that was fine coz I had the chair to stick my feet on.. so it all worked out for the best.
Once again people would walk past and stare in.. just like on the first train.. maybe a little worse coz this time there were people asleep on the floor.. there was one main offender.. who would come past about every 30mins.. I really felt like I was a caged monkey. It made me wanna fling shit at them.. you know like at the Welly Zoo how they have the sign that says to not stand too close or the monkeys might fling their shit at you.. or something of that effect.
I managed to get a little sleep, especially once they turned the lights off.. which seemed to take longer this time than last.. and having the buff to put over my eyes really helped too. Next time I really want a sleeping carriage for the long haul! Once again the train was late and we only just managed to catch our connecting train.. which actually waited for us so it was then late.. but I am so happy that they did wait coz stuff having to go on a later slower train home for the final few hours. Once on the train we had to find places for our backpacks, Emma's was easy enough to get into the over head area whereas mine was a little larger and had issues getting in there.. just as I was about to give up this dude comes along and shoves it in tight.. it aint gonna budge thats for sure. It was in there pretty snug but then the dude's stupid wife came along and started bitching that she thought it was going to fall down on her, she tried moving it but it didnt budge so she bitched a little more and eventually he swapped seats with her. Moron. Then there was their eldest kid who wouldn't stop saying ''pappa".. like every 3 seconds! It was totally doing my head in.
We gave Nemo some tucker.. being hand fed while on Emma's lap.. spoilt much?
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