Sunday, 19 July 2009

Being home!

The first night in a real bed was bliss, I drifted off to sleep like I was on a cloud.. I do love my bed! We managed to sleep in until about 8:30am.. latest we have slept in in a very long time.. even Nems slept in! It was awesome! Then we just took it easy over the next day.. going out to get a spot of shopping and having a look around town.. nothing much had changed.. sad really. Saturday night we headed off to the movies to see Harry Potter.. which was well.. for lack of a better word.. shit. Today was spent doing all this that you are reading, but with a little visit from Johanna, Christian & Dizzy... and Dizzy left us a little surprise...
Oh and would you believe since we have been home it has.... rained!! Typical! I want a summer dang nabbit!

Nemo is really happy to be home also.. rolling on his rug and sleeping on his back in his bed and on the couch.. o happpy days!

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A banana a day makes you ready to play!

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