Hässleholm - Nikkaluokta - Ladtjojaure
Time seemed to stand still as we were at home, all packed up and ready to go. Finally it was time to depart and leave the comfort of our place and toddle off to catch the first train.. which was of course 20mins late! Once the train arrived there were these 3 girls.. 3 stupid girls who rushed to get on the train but then didn't know how the frick to open the door, so Emma stepped in and opened it and jumped on and as I was about to follow, the 3 stupid girls all went in front of me and tried to get on, pushing at each other, what the hurry was I will never know.. then one saw me standing there and told the others to get out of the way and let me get on to follow Emma to our seats.
Once we were at our seats it become quite apparent that there really was no room for anything.. Nemo sat cramped at Emma's feet, her backpack on her lap and mine was on my seat until I did a scan of the carriage and found a nice little spot to shove my backpack in so that I could at least sit down for the ride and have Nemo come and sit on me.
Made it onto the second train and was seated with a couple who also had a dog, a cute one at that.. french bulldog me thinks. For some reason SJ thinks that two people together are better seated across from one another in the dog compartment, so Nemo spent most of his time on our laps or cramped at the floor, while the little dog had the rest of the compartment to lounge in, Nemo didn't seem to like him at all.. or well actually he seemed rather scared of him.. so it was a very cramped part of the journey and at one point, the couple were sleeping and I needed to pee.. and to be able to get out I needed to wake them.. so of course I didn't want to be that person so I held it.. but really SJ.. do a rethink! Snoozy Nemo on Emma's lap!
There isn't much to do on a train but to look out the window, or play some cards, I totally kicked Emma's ass at cards the whole time! haha but out the window there was nothing but rain, rain and even more rain! And to top things off we were already 30mins late which would mean we would miss our connecting train.. but there was still plenty of hours in the night for them to make up the time.. so we thought. In the morning it turned out we were 90mins late! But SJ did something right and managed to get us to the third train on time, they skipped an out of the way stop or something.
The woman of the couple was driving me nuts.. not only did I have trouble looking at her coz she was way ugly, how she thought doing that shit to her lips makes her look beautiful is beyond me.. I guess she reads too many Hollywood mags.. anyways she drove me nuts not coz of her looks but coz of her stupid mobile phone and having the key sounds turned on! Seriously who does that? I wanted to grab the phone and throw it out the window! Then to make matters worse, the boyfriend started!! ARGH! It is NOT cool to have the keysounds on! Luckily they got off early in the morning and unluckily another 2 people and a dog got on, this time a young dude in a kilt, an old man who talked Emma's ear off and would ask her the same things over and over.. and also a big beautiful rotti. Nemo was not happy to see the rotti.. but eventually he got over his fear once he realised that she ripe for baby making, he kept trying to hump her.. which was kinda funny and also the first time I have ever seen him act that way towards a female.. I always thought it didn't work or he didn't know how it worked! lol
They got off the train while there was still 40mins of our second train journey to go.. so we actually got the compartment to ourselves for that time and it was heaven! It was nice to be able to stretch out. We got to stretch out some more on the third train too which was way awesome..
It seemed all the dogs had something for my knee.. as they all licked it, even the one that I briefly met on the last train.. I guess my knee is just tasty!
Finally the weather picked up a little, which is a good sign me thinks!
Nemo handled the 24hr train trip like a champ.. he is such a good boy sometimes.. but I guess it helps that he loves to sleep!
After getting off the final train, we then had to wait for a bus, it was nice to be in the outdoors for a bit, however my face tells a different story lol
We arrived at Nikkaluokta safe and sound and it was time to boot up and head off on our way.
Finally we arrived, ate some Reindeer Burgers.. which you can read about here!
The first night was FREEZING & Nemo cried ALL night!! Not coz it was cold, but coz he wanted to get going...
LOL @ not wearing jacket over vest... I was going to ask when you were due ;o)