The actual side packs are able to come off so that he is left just wearing the harness and inside the side packs are small bladders to hold water as well, just incase we need/want him to carry his own water too! if only it didn't also turn into a small doggy tent then he would be totally set for the hiking trip! lol I must say tho it is pretty nifty! Once the weather gets a little better we will head off for morning walks and have him carry our breakfast! Coz we have to get him used to carrying some weight before we go hiking and he has to carry his own foodage!
The weekend was pretty laxed.. cold so we didn't do much, we were going to go to the movies but we were both feeling old and tired so we opted to stay home instead.. which was fine with me.. I don't think I could have sat thru a 3 hr movie.. especially considering I feel asleep in the middle of the day watching a show that I do actually enjoy! I pulled an Emma!
We took Nemo for a run around in the dog park, but all he seemed to want to do was sniff.. sniff and sniff some more! We hid from him a few times and made him come looking for us.. which was a little bit fun, but as soon as he saw us again he went back to sniffing.. dogs and sniffing go hand in hand I guess!
Umm we considered making a snowman but discovered quickly that the snow was too powdery.. sad really.. as you can't even make snowballs to throw at each other.. so I pose this question..
The weekend was pretty laxed.. cold so we didn't do much, we were going to go to the movies but we were both feeling old and tired so we opted to stay home instead.. which was fine with me.. I don't think I could have sat thru a 3 hr movie.. especially considering I feel asleep in the middle of the day watching a show that I do actually enjoy! I pulled an Emma!
We took Nemo for a run around in the dog park, but all he seemed to want to do was sniff.. sniff and sniff some more! We hid from him a few times and made him come looking for us.. which was a little bit fun, but as soon as he saw us again he went back to sniffing.. dogs and sniffing go hand in hand I guess!
Umm we considered making a snowman but discovered quickly that the snow was too powdery.. sad really.. as you can't even make snowballs to throw at each other.. so I pose this question..
What is the bloody point of snow if you can't do fun things with it?!
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