Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Last Days!

Our last couple of days were pretty low key, we considered going to Grouse Mountain to see bears but decided a weekend excursion was probably not the most optimal.. and it was a little pricey. I did really want to see a bear but alas, I guess I will just have to do that elsewhere.. plenty of places to catch the likes of one I would say. Bears are just so, gosh darn it, cute!

We headed out for a wander about and a walk out to Granville Island.. walking over the bridge was a little hairy.. especially considering we weren't sure if we could walk there and then if we were walking the right way. Everyone else was walking towards us once there were people! We made it to Granville safe and sound and rewarded ourselves with a couple of Lee's doughnuts..

Then a little cookies and cream gelato..

..before heading off for a ride on the aquabus!
 Emma was a little sad she didn't get to ride the smaller boat (top photo). I am just glad we didn't sink!

This amused me some.. it seems Canadians think a side-walk is a floor! 
It also did perplex me some that they had people out washing the streets in front of stores at around 11am. Umm couldn't that have been done.. before the stores opened?! So you know, people didn't get sprayed also. Strange ways, those Canadians have. *wink*

I wanted to have some fnc again, one last time to see if I could have a decent feed of it before heading back to the land where they just don't do it.. so we headed out to what was supposed to be the best fnc in Vancouver. According to who? Didn't help matters that we got really shit service. First, she only took half the order. Then she left off the coleslaw, which didn't matter coz we didn't pay for it so I didn't want to do another transaction. It was to eat in, which it then sat up at the pass for a good 5mins in the box.. getting soggy before she decided to then wrap it for us to take it away. End result, overpriced soggy fnc. Who knew finding good fnc in a city so close to the ocean would be so gawdamn difficult. Perhaps I need to go back to NZ just so I can get some of the good stuff, the stuff I know will be good.. unless, they too have gone downhill. Oh I hope not. 

After our poo fnc, we decided to drown our sorrows with some more beer.. next stop! Bridge Brewing! 
Where we tasted what they had on offer.. plus bought their stout, as it was a tasting room we were not allowed to drink it there. Silly rules Canada! Gosh! We also grabbed a tote to carry said stout! The beers were again.. same same. I didn't much enjoy the stout.. I had it the other night here at home.

Next Stop: Deep Cove Brewers and Distillers.
Again, same same however, their ginger beer.. deliciousness! I could drink it for days! I was also rather amused at how a litre of beer was cheaper than the same of ginger beer. If I could have trusted it to be safe on the flight, I would have brought home a growler or two.

We also got some seriously awesome puppy time with a staffy there. He was so.. slobbery! Nibbly too.. soft nibbles. Reminded me a little of an old family dog, Zac. He was beautiful, as was this dog. It was really nice to finally have some puppy play.. even if he did need a bath! Luckily we had some hand sanitiser with us so it was easy to 'freshen' up before we headed off to catch the bus home.

Our last day consisted off, wandering about then grabbing ice cream from the place where you had to wait 40mins in line (we did that once).. luckily on a Sunday, not long after opening, we only had to wait a few minutes. They really do nice gelato there.. Emma went all the pecans! While I went with chocolate and a salted caramel. So good! We hadn't been to the movies yet so now was a good time, Guardians of the Galaxy [trailer] was due to start so we headed over, donned some 3D glasses and settled in for what turned out to be one of the best movies we have seen in a while. I needs me a groot. [dancing groot video] Also, best soundtrack ever. One of the most amusing things tho, the movie starts.. we are sitting there and then I see Emma in the corner of my eye checking the movie ticket. It started off so oddly that she thought we were in the wrong movie! bahahaha GOLD! If you haven't seen it, then do. And as much as it pains me to say it, see it in 3D. It is done really well.. it's really worth it.. especially if you don't have to wear the heavy stupid glasses like our local one forces upon you.

We headed to Trees Organic Coffee for another slice of cheesecake and coffee, I wanted to give them one last try. I shouldn't have. The cheesecake was too soft.. once we got it. The server forgot to bring it out to us. I just went with their brewed coffee rather than a 'fancier' kind. If the guy who served me the first time was in then I would have got something more but he wasn't there.. when I ordered. I wasn't willing to throw more money away. 2/3 visits were a fail. Sad, I had high hopes from the first visit.

Time slipped on by and soon enough it was time to head off to the airport and head home. The flights weren't too bad, even if we were delayed on the last leg which meant we got in a little later than we would have liked. But, we were home and I was happy to use my own toilet and sleep in my own bed with a normal sized pillow. Don't get me wrong, the travel pillow was great and really worth taking, but it was like 1/3 the size of my normal pillow.. granted my normal pillow is kinda large! haha

The trip for me was full of highs and lows, overall I can't see myself ever going back to Vancouver. I witnessed no more filming in my time there which was a little bit of a bummer. The food wasn't anything to brag about, which is sad considering it was supposed to have a really great food culture, but there were a few gems that I would happily go for seconds at. The nature was beautiful, stunning and I couldn't have been happier but the buildings in the city lacked 'charm'. Tall and gray.. blergh. The people were friendly enough, it was a busy active city and there were no real dramas but I think I would just rather go elsewhere and to be honest, I don't need to witness that level of homelessness and junkies again. It was just crazy. I would however, like to see more of Canada. It's crazy beautiful! The nature that is. Oh and the accent, soorrey! abooot! and the hilarious loonie & toonie! I did not hear that enough, no really I didn't! Thanks for the ride, Vancouver.

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