It was pretty snowy and white, Pinko was in snow heaven, she wanted snow and by golly she got it! & then some! You know what they say... careful what you wish for! lol We got our pose on with building.. coz it's just what you do, Pinko also posed, but the photo was taken with her camera and I didn't want to throw another camera into the mix of having to sort out the mass! I know.. lazy but these things happen.
It was all pretty simple getting in, showed our paper and passport and off we toddled into the area of domeness.. it was cooler than I thought, which would prolly be coz I thought it was an indoor thing.. but it umm.. isn't exactly. We walked up the spiral, clowning around a little as we went, looking out the snowy dirty windows and sneaking peaks where we could of what we could.. as you can see.. we got some decent peaks..
Once at the top.. we had a look around and I took this photo which I really like, I think it was my favourite.. I'd imagine that if there was an alien attack that something would shoot up out of that big silver thing and protect us!
At one point, I started to wonder if we had taken a wrong turn and ended up in London again.. cranes in the skyline! I'd like to get a photo from one of them cranes!
Emma got all condensationy under her scarf, it was cold! her breath was hot.. you know how it works.. but the outcome was funny.. I mean look! Talk about mouth breather! :P
Definitely some nice views, we made our way back down and then headed in early to breakfast! This was indeed a breakfast I had been waiting for, Meatloaf and beer for breaky! That's the shizz!
It got kicked off with some bread and jams and a lovely berry smoothie, Pinko didn't drink hers so I took one for the team and downed it. I am nice like that! You owe me one Pinko, and you know it!
It wasn't long until my epic breakfast was served, and the others too of course, but mine was better coz it had beer! I could definitely get used to beer at breakfast!
Anyways.. mah breakfast..
Their breakfasts.. Pinko had the all one, Emma had the long one. I ate some of Pinko's as well.. again taking one for the team! Pinko owes me big!
Finished up with a rather large strong coffee and bellehs full and ready to tackle other parts of the day.. I could have sat up there all day eating and enjoying the view, but you know.. stuff to do!
That is an awful lot to put in your stomach, especially first thing in the morning! I'm surprised you could get up and walk at all! haha
ReplyDeleteI can pack lots away in this fatty tum of mine.. when on holiday I love to eat! But, then I also so a stack of walking to counter-act that shizz! Balance baby!