Departure day!
Packing was done kinda early.. Emma was freaked out that we were well over weight.. I didn't think that we would be at all.. but hey my opinion never matters. I just model thru it!
We set off to do one last little round of shopping.. gotta squeeze it for all its worth! Emma's choice not mine. Then back home to have a BBQ! Gotta love BBQ! Especially when there are kids there to play with..
and a puppy.. or well a 6yr old puppy..
which I totally wanted to steal and bring home.. along with the bubba! The older kidlet.. seemed a little shy of me.. I guess she didn't remember me from 2 years ago.. mind you she was just a little diaper wearer!
It was a nice way to spend the last day.. kicking back, holding a bubba, playing with a pup, chatting, drinking a few beers and eating some nom nom nom foodage! The time went by too quickly and soon enough it was time to piss off to the airport and give Hanna and Bill their home back.. I'm sure they were glad to see the back of us! Thru the airport we went and wait we did.. the wait always seems to take forever!
Heathrow was a little better this time.. but still not the greatest.. and our plane was delayed.. not surprising really.. but at least we didn't miss our flight or anything.. we arrived in Copenhagen and everything was all quick and smooth and nice.. then off to the train we went for the ride home. Longest train ride EVER! I thought it was never going to end!
Once home, Emma's mum was home with Nemo. Nemo snubbed me until he saw that Emma was indeed with me and then it was ok to say hello.. little shit. Emma's mum had also done a little shopping so we had foooooooood! One thing we didn't want to have to deal with.. so it was awesome! I love it when she does that for us! Some mums can be great!
It was good to be home.. altho it wasn't feeling so good when I woke up around 9pm with the worst calf cramp ever! I'm still tender now! Dang nabbit!
Oh and a total how excitement moment.. I found boysenberry jam!! So of course I grabbed 2 jars to take home! Which is prolly why our bag got inspected.. or well maybe it was the mountain of candy that added to that too! Mmmm candy! Mini Peanut Butter Cups.. over 1kg worth! & No I'm not sharing! Muahahahahaha
And lastly.. the three shades of Jo!
Packing was done kinda early.. Emma was freaked out that we were well over weight.. I didn't think that we would be at all.. but hey my opinion never matters. I just model thru it!
We set off to do one last little round of shopping.. gotta squeeze it for all its worth! Emma's choice not mine. Then back home to have a BBQ! Gotta love BBQ! Especially when there are kids there to play with..
It was a nice way to spend the last day.. kicking back, holding a bubba, playing with a pup, chatting, drinking a few beers and eating some nom nom nom foodage! The time went by too quickly and soon enough it was time to piss off to the airport and give Hanna and Bill their home back.. I'm sure they were glad to see the back of us! Thru the airport we went and wait we did.. the wait always seems to take forever!
Heathrow was a little better this time.. but still not the greatest.. and our plane was delayed.. not surprising really.. but at least we didn't miss our flight or anything.. we arrived in Copenhagen and everything was all quick and smooth and nice.. then off to the train we went for the ride home. Longest train ride EVER! I thought it was never going to end!
Once home, Emma's mum was home with Nemo. Nemo snubbed me until he saw that Emma was indeed with me and then it was ok to say hello.. little shit. Emma's mum had also done a little shopping so we had foooooooood! One thing we didn't want to have to deal with.. so it was awesome! I love it when she does that for us! Some mums can be great!
It was good to be home.. altho it wasn't feeling so good when I woke up around 9pm with the worst calf cramp ever! I'm still tender now! Dang nabbit!
Oh and a total how excitement moment.. I found boysenberry jam!! So of course I grabbed 2 jars to take home! Which is prolly why our bag got inspected.. or well maybe it was the mountain of candy that added to that too! Mmmm candy! Mini Peanut Butter Cups.. over 1kg worth! & No I'm not sharing! Muahahahahaha
And lastly.. the three shades of Jo!
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