Off we go.
Airports are kinda boring. I got patted down this time! Wooot! But I think the lady was a little tooo 'thorough' if you get my drift... coz the other pat downs that I got at the other airports weren't nearly as thorough... fun all the same!
Plane was late into Heathrow.. mad dash to try and catch our connecting plane. The security check there is pure chaos. It took nearly all our time to make it through.. nuts.
The long flight begun.
The food wasn't too bad..
The in-flight entertainment wasn't working.
Finally it was over.. then we had to wait a couple of HOURS in a queue to go through customs.. it was seriously stupid how they did it this time. 6 'checkouts' for a few planes worth of people? WHY!
We were in the queue of this woman who looked seriously mean.. but turned out to be quite the sweetheart.. funny how these things happen.. but yeah we finally made it through and into the loving embrace of Hanky Hanna... who also had been waiting hours for us to come through lol
We were meant to go out to a burger place for dinner.. but by the time we arrived it has closed so headed elsewhere after much humming and harring.. the usual really.
Meet Hanky Hanna & Billy-Goat!
Our hosts!
Take the tour of their home!
Our hosts!
The next day was a bit of a late start but eventually we got shopping after a good feast of Peanut Butter Puffs!
When it comes to shopping.. Emma was like a kid in a candy store.. I was like a cranky grandpa.
I got most excited when I came across a TUB of cheeseballs.. which I was allowed to buy! I had to nibble my way into them!!
I headed to the movies and saw 'The Other Guys' it was an alright movie.. the best line in the movie was.... "I'm a peacock... you gotta let me fly!"
Went out and had a lovely dinner.. in the dark with some dude playing really loudly right behind us.. it was nice tho.. just would of been better with softer music and more lighting.. win some lose some.
Sunday was much of the same.. shopping. Minus the cheeseballs.. however I did eat some cheeseballs.. they are addictive! Oh and we also went to the movies and saw 'Salt'.. again not a bad movie at all. I must admit.. loving seeing movies without bloody subtitles!!
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