I went to my first... and my last ever baseball game.
I don't get the hype.
Then seem to stand around a lot.. throw the bat a lot.. oh and the ball gets thrown heaps too but I saw more bat throwing action than running action.. go figure aye?
I at least got to have a hotdog! Not the best hotdog ever but it was still a nice hotdog.
I think I'll leave this sport to the true fans.. the people who actually understand it lol
Once we were done with the baseball.. we headed off to Cape Cod.
A fun time was had once we reached our motel.. It was like one of those dodgy motel rooms you seen in the movies that always get raided by the FBI.. I was hoping some excitement might happen.. but sadly it was event-less.
Once all checked in.. we headed out for a look about and to have a spot of dinner.. we also enjoyed some more Mike's. Seriously good stuff! We need it in Sweden!
I finally got to have some clam chowder..
which was tasty but a little on the thin side. Also some mozza sticks were had.. nom nom nom!
Then to finish off the meal I have a rather large serving of fish & chips! I didn't dare waste a single mouthful coz I have no idea when I will get to enjoy it again.. I would still rather have NZ f'n'c tho.. but a girl has to take what she can get. Hanna had the giggles throughout dinner.. which turned out to be the common theme once she had a single beer... which in turn gave me the giggles and Emma the semi giggles.. but more so shaking of ones head coz afterall she is the responsible adult! Someone had to be.. right?
Ice cream was then had and off back to dodgeville we went..
so very glad it was only one night.. the reviews were far too kind on that place.
I don't get the hype.
I at least got to have a hotdog! Not the best hotdog ever but it was still a nice hotdog.
I think I'll leave this sport to the true fans.. the people who actually understand it lol
The best part of the game.. I keep saying match in my head and correcting myself! But at least I'm correcting it now.. so that's a little learning right? Anyways the best part of the game was not any play that was done but was the fact that Emma overheard this "is that your belly button?"Overhearing stuff it really the best.. which reminds me I haven't had a look at the Live Journal site in ages for things overheard in Melb!
Once we were done with the baseball.. we headed off to Cape Cod.
A fun time was had once we reached our motel.. It was like one of those dodgy motel rooms you seen in the movies that always get raided by the FBI.. I was hoping some excitement might happen.. but sadly it was event-less.
Once all checked in.. we headed out for a look about and to have a spot of dinner.. we also enjoyed some more Mike's. Seriously good stuff! We need it in Sweden!
I finally got to have some clam chowder..
Ice cream was then had and off back to dodgeville we went..
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