Island Time!
We headed out on the boat today to check out Georges Island and Spectacle Island.
What a beautiful day it was! It is hard to believe that hurricane Earl was looooming! They were taking down the shade shelters and all programmes were cancelled coz of Earl tho..
Enjoying the early morning sunshine while waiting for the boat to arrive!
On the boat!
I actually made a friend on this ride.. he was a little boy and he gave me an awesome high 5! We were awesome together.. little kids rock!
We made it to Georges Island!
I took my first tumble here.. nothing to write home about but I was annoyed that my pants got dirty! Why do I bother wearing light pants? *shakes head*
When there are bars.. one must hand behind them and pretend one is locked up!
Waiting for the boat to go to Spectacle Island.. I made a friend.. I named him Georgio! I fed him bagel!
The wait was long.. about an hour or so. The weird thing about Georges Island was.. we arrived with a bunch of people on the boat.. we got off.. looked around the island and did the touristy thing to do.. and we didn't come across another single soul until we finished again.. and it made me wonder what those people came to the island to do.. ya know?
On the boat again...
Finally the boat arrived and yay we made it to Spectacle Island!
We walked around the Island.. which Em was the best tour guide ever! We got to the top part of the track, took a few pics.. 

and headed on back to the base... have some refreshments!Then the boat we were meant to leave on had some issues, so bypassed us and went straight back to the mainland.. and another boat was sent to us.. however it would take us back to Georges Island first before the mainland.. so that was another 45mins on the water.. we went underneath coz we were a tad burnt.
Once home.. we discovered just how burnt we had got and also that we had goggle face!
Because of said goggle face.. we were allowed to eat at home and Billy-Goat went out and got pizza for us.. we got one no meat pizza and one meat galore pizza.. I really wanted to have it coz it was called 'The Carnivore' with a name like that.. it is a must try! Right?
It was actually very darn good.. I want it again.. if only Boston was closer!
After dinner, we pulled out the miracle fruit tablets.
They tasted foul!
However not as foul as some of the food we ended up trying..
I can see why lemon is the big hit but in saying that it still made me shake.
I didn't mind Guinness.. I don't like it otherwise.
The think the foulest taste of all was.. the next morning. My mouth tasted like ass. I'm sure it smelt like it too. My guts wasn't much of a happy camper either. I guess you get that when you eat a large range of very different tasting things.
We headed out on the boat today to check out Georges Island and Spectacle Island.
What a beautiful day it was! It is hard to believe that hurricane Earl was looooming! They were taking down the shade shelters and all programmes were cancelled coz of Earl tho..
Enjoying the early morning sunshine while waiting for the boat to arrive!
We made it to Georges Island!
When there are bars.. one must hand behind them and pretend one is locked up!
On the boat again...
Once home.. we discovered just how burnt we had got and also that we had goggle face!
After dinner, we pulled out the miracle fruit tablets.
However not as foul as some of the food we ended up trying..
The think the foulest taste of all was.. the next morning. My mouth tasted like ass. I'm sure it smelt like it too. My guts wasn't much of a happy camper either. I guess you get that when you eat a large range of very different tasting things.
Darn that burn looks painful!
ReplyDeleteSurprisingly.. it wasn't lol