Thursday, 30 September 2010
Monday, 27 September 2010
Simply Gorgeous!
Strawberry beer!
It's a little sweet.. a little interesting.. a little drink worthy.
It actually has a prominent strawberry taste.. and who doesn't like strawberries!
I will be trying it again.. you know just to be sure it wasn't a fluke that it went down well *wink*
Close up cuddles with Nemo.. beautiful! Simply gorgeous we are!
A different kind of Chanterelles.. Simply tasty!
I love it when we have mushies for lunchies!
Ok.. now that I have the photo's out of the way, I can get onto blogging about the boring mundane stuff that is my life! It was a pretty quiet weekend.. as per usual. However I enjoyed a couple of beers on Friday night.. one being the strawberry beer up above.. it was much tastier than I actually thought it would be.. always nice when that happens.. however I do wish they would get in a pumpkin beer! I tried one in Boston and it was rather nice.. and now I long for yet another pumpkin thing. I hear Chocokin calling me!
At some point.. I can't actually recall what day.. I think possibly Saturday.. both Emma and I saw Horsey lady! Emma had her camera but apparently it would have been way too obvious that we were snapping a pic of her if she had of pulled out the camera/phone. PooWeez!! I'm getting to the point where I just want to walk up to her and ask her to pose for a shot! She would just think I'm some wacky tourist right? lol She is just so amazing that I NEED a photo of her.. she leaves me perplexed.
The weather was grey.. but rather humid.. Emma's pa thought I was nuts wearing short sleeves.. which he was all rugged up in a jacket. It really wasn't cold at all. Old people and their chilled bones aye? lol All in all the weekend was nice.. we did a spot of 'spring' cleaning.. which was nice and then this morning I carted up the things that needed to go to the attic space. Good times! Another weekend down.. still no new phone either.
Monday, 20 September 2010
Digging The Hat!
Wow.. a whole week has passed..
I do really need to find topics to ramble about more often.
I do really need to find topics to ramble about more often.
I saw horse lady several times.. but never on the times I actually remembered to take the camera.. or even the phone! Typical really.. one day I shall capture her on film.. however I do hope to capture her on moving film rather than still film so one can really grasp the.. umm.. awesomeness? of her situation! hahaah
The week kinda felt like it was dragging some but it finally made it to Friday and we got to head around to the parentals for a Crayfish paaaaartay! Nothing like getting all grubby cracking open the tiny crays.. not like the crays I'm used to in NZ that's for sure.. but tasted so fine! Enjoyed cray goodness.. cheese goodness.. quiche goodness.. buttery toast goodness.. booze goodness and also some more booze ungoodness.. once again I got roped into trying some shot of something Swedish and once again I didn't like it lol In saying that tho.. it was nicer than the other ones they have had me try.
After dinner.. we had coffee, a yummy gooey cake with cream from a can! I don't know exactly why but I LOVE cream from a can! It's prolly that 'from a can' factor! *Remembers the cheeseburger from a can hike adventure* oh and once again I didn't get to try cheese in a can from America! One day I will find you when I'm there and one day I will try you! ONE DAY! I swear one day! haha
Saturday was a day of frame hunting for our artworks.. yeah it didn't go all according to plan and we didn't find many old funky frames in the right sizes.. but we found a couple of keepers that we brought home for a good price.
All in all tho.. it was a pretty quiet weekend after a quiet week.. hopefully this week will be betterer! Or well not that quiet weeks aren't good but you know...
The week kinda felt like it was dragging some but it finally made it to Friday and we got to head around to the parentals for a Crayfish paaaaartay! Nothing like getting all grubby cracking open the tiny crays.. not like the crays I'm used to in NZ that's for sure.. but tasted so fine! Enjoyed cray goodness.. cheese goodness.. quiche goodness.. buttery toast goodness.. booze goodness and also some more booze ungoodness.. once again I got roped into trying some shot of something Swedish and once again I didn't like it lol In saying that tho.. it was nicer than the other ones they have had me try.
Saturday was a day of frame hunting for our artworks.. yeah it didn't go all according to plan and we didn't find many old funky frames in the right sizes.. but we found a couple of keepers that we brought home for a good price.
All in all tho.. it was a pretty quiet weekend after a quiet week.. hopefully this week will be betterer! Or well not that quiet weeks aren't good but you know...
Monday, 13 September 2010
Art! FTW!
For the first time in my entire 30 years of life.. I have voted! In Sweden. It was a thrilling process.. and by thrilling I mean.. boring.. and wow so secretive! I don't quite get the whole hiding of ones vote.. be proud of your choice I say.. and if you can't.. then maybe you are voting for the wrong thing! So anyways.. I voted! YaY!
Moving on tho.. my weekend seemed far too short! Back to the normal routine of things. Can't I be back in Boston.. living the good life? The good weather instead of this dark rainy period we seem to have going on! Uncool! It really isn't so easy to walk Nemo with an umbrella.. as I discovered this morning... and it gets way more difficult once you have to stop to pick up doggydodo's!
Sunday we decided it was time to put up our Blik wall art.. and what a task that turned out to be.. for Emma as she did most of the rubbing work.. I played scrabble.
Next step in making the walls all pretty will be getting all the little artworks framed that we got in Americat! Time to break the bank! We have 4 weeks to get it all done and up before Emma's birthday.. can't have people coming around to blank walls afterall!
Also I forgot to add to my holiday entries that we also took in a show.. 'Cabaret' and it was pretty darn good. However there were lotsa boobies and dildo's.. they had to be dildo's coz they were quite frankly too large to be real.. some of them anyways. We had a very good girls night out.. even tho one of the characters (Frenchie) tried to scrape off my day old tattoo when he took me by surprise and sat on my lap! I must admit I had a really good time and was glad that Emma dragged me along.. even if the seats were uncomfy as all hell and it was cramped.. and hot.. but it was well worth it. I could even see it again.. *gasp*
Moving on tho.. my weekend seemed far too short! Back to the normal routine of things. Can't I be back in Boston.. living the good life? The good weather instead of this dark rainy period we seem to have going on! Uncool! It really isn't so easy to walk Nemo with an umbrella.. as I discovered this morning... and it gets way more difficult once you have to stop to pick up doggydodo's!
Sunday we decided it was time to put up our Blik wall art.. and what a task that turned out to be.. for Emma as she did most of the rubbing work.. I played scrabble.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Time To Go Go!
Departure day!
Packing was done kinda early.. Emma was freaked out that we were well over weight.. I didn't think that we would be at all.. but hey my opinion never matters. I just model thru it!
We set off to do one last little round of shopping.. gotta squeeze it for all its worth! Emma's choice not mine. Then back home to have a BBQ! Gotta love BBQ! Especially when there are kids there to play with..
and a puppy.. or well a 6yr old puppy..
which I totally wanted to steal and bring home.. along with the bubba! The older kidlet.. seemed a little shy of me.. I guess she didn't remember me from 2 years ago.. mind you she was just a little diaper wearer!
It was a nice way to spend the last day.. kicking back, holding a bubba, playing with a pup, chatting, drinking a few beers and eating some nom nom nom foodage! The time went by too quickly and soon enough it was time to piss off to the airport and give Hanna and Bill their home back.. I'm sure they were glad to see the back of us! Thru the airport we went and wait we did.. the wait always seems to take forever!
Heathrow was a little better this time.. but still not the greatest.. and our plane was delayed.. not surprising really.. but at least we didn't miss our flight or anything.. we arrived in Copenhagen and everything was all quick and smooth and nice.. then off to the train we went for the ride home. Longest train ride EVER! I thought it was never going to end!
Once home, Emma's mum was home with Nemo. Nemo snubbed me until he saw that Emma was indeed with me and then it was ok to say hello.. little shit. Emma's mum had also done a little shopping so we had foooooooood! One thing we didn't want to have to deal with.. so it was awesome! I love it when she does that for us! Some mums can be great!
It was good to be home.. altho it wasn't feeling so good when I woke up around 9pm with the worst calf cramp ever! I'm still tender now! Dang nabbit!
Oh and a total how excitement moment.. I found boysenberry jam!! So of course I grabbed 2 jars to take home! Which is prolly why our bag got inspected.. or well maybe it was the mountain of candy that added to that too! Mmmm candy! Mini Peanut Butter Cups.. over 1kg worth! & No I'm not sharing! Muahahahahaha
And lastly.. the three shades of Jo!
Packing was done kinda early.. Emma was freaked out that we were well over weight.. I didn't think that we would be at all.. but hey my opinion never matters. I just model thru it!
We set off to do one last little round of shopping.. gotta squeeze it for all its worth! Emma's choice not mine. Then back home to have a BBQ! Gotta love BBQ! Especially when there are kids there to play with..
It was a nice way to spend the last day.. kicking back, holding a bubba, playing with a pup, chatting, drinking a few beers and eating some nom nom nom foodage! The time went by too quickly and soon enough it was time to piss off to the airport and give Hanna and Bill their home back.. I'm sure they were glad to see the back of us! Thru the airport we went and wait we did.. the wait always seems to take forever!
Heathrow was a little better this time.. but still not the greatest.. and our plane was delayed.. not surprising really.. but at least we didn't miss our flight or anything.. we arrived in Copenhagen and everything was all quick and smooth and nice.. then off to the train we went for the ride home. Longest train ride EVER! I thought it was never going to end!
Once home, Emma's mum was home with Nemo. Nemo snubbed me until he saw that Emma was indeed with me and then it was ok to say hello.. little shit. Emma's mum had also done a little shopping so we had foooooooood! One thing we didn't want to have to deal with.. so it was awesome! I love it when she does that for us! Some mums can be great!
It was good to be home.. altho it wasn't feeling so good when I woke up around 9pm with the worst calf cramp ever! I'm still tender now! Dang nabbit!
Oh and a total how excitement moment.. I found boysenberry jam!! So of course I grabbed 2 jars to take home! Which is prolly why our bag got inspected.. or well maybe it was the mountain of candy that added to that too! Mmmm candy! Mini Peanut Butter Cups.. over 1kg worth! & No I'm not sharing! Muahahahahaha
And lastly.. the three shades of Jo!
O Lordy!
Up early and off to the fast ferry for the trip over to Nantucket! We went out on the back deck to start with.. thinking it might be nice.. but no it was cold, salty and wicked windy. My hair got a little blown and funny looking so we went inside and enjoyed the ride.
We arrived..
we got coffee and I nearly died as I saw all the cobblestone..
I nearly fell over a few times by losing my footing on all the cobble.. being awesome I managed to stay up. We found a bench.. enjoyed our coffee and then off we went to rent bikes!
Off we went.. biking biking biking.. all goood! 
I don't even remember the last time I was actually on a bike.. that wasn't an exercise bike that is... which when you think of that you think that things can only end badly lol We set off to find the beach.. Emma and Hanna even managed to do a little gasbagging while biking!
We found the beach.. went and had a little break, ate a little snackers (this word wasn't made up by Hanna until the ride home but it totally fits here), took a few photos,
the girls dipped their toes in the water.. I ran from the water. Soon enough it was time to start the next ride back to town taking a different route.. which was not a fun route will all the ups and some downs and mainly biking against the wind! Damn you wind! Damn you! We took a few breaks.. coz it was hard work! My word of the day was... o lordy! Or should that be words of the day? Perhaps saying of the day? Actually yeah I thinking saying of the day it is!
So remember how just a few lines up I said that things can only end badly (I had actually twinged my back a little earlier too which didn't help matters).. and I also said throughout the trip that no doubt I am going to fall off the bike.. well.. it... happened.
There I was biking along.. when I saw the hill and thought.. o gawd! Went to change gears and went the wrong way.. which made me lose all the umpf that I had! The next thing I know my wheel turns hard.. the bike starts to tilt over to the side.. I stick my foot down.. I'm on a slant.. the bike is on the path.. I struggle slightly.. I hop.. I can't get balanced and think well I don't wanna go down tangled in the bike coz that is gonna do more damage so I throw myself away from the bike and into the bush I go.. it was at that point that I realise it is not just a bush but the start of the small cliff onto the road below.. I feel something painful go into my back.. along with things scratching at my legs.. I manage to balance myself awkwardly.. so that I don't keep going backwards and actually go down the drop onto the road.. Emma moves the bike out of the way and finally comes to help me up. As an after thought I was kicking myself that I didn't get her to take a pic of me in the bush! Apparently I had the biggest grin on my face.. I wouldn't know as I couldn't see it! lol So anyways.. I'm up.. I ask Emma to check my back, and she discovers a hole in my shirt.. and doesn't stop going on about it.. seriously like it was the most pressing thing! I stick my hand up the back of my shirt.. coz I could feel something wasn't quite right with my back and all Emma could care about was the freaken hole in the shirt. Sure enough there was a nice piece of twig there.. luckily it had only scraped along my back and my bra was holding it in place rather than my flesh.
We got going again.. and all was well. I do think I should get a bike tho! Or maybe that is too dangerous? It was LOADS of fun!
We made it back to town.. stopped to have some refreshments, giggles (the one beer giggle session #2) and some foodage.. lobster roll for Hanna and I,
Burger for Emma. Emma's refreshment was called a wet willie.. I don't quite know why.. but it was rather candy like.
Off we went again on the bikes.. out to check out the lighthouse before heading back to drop them back to the bikeshop, ice cream was then had..
coz it was right next to the bikeshop.. then we headed off to find some more refreshments.. we ended up in this place that was full of drunk snobs.. they are MUCH worse than just snobs! But we had one beer giggle session #3! Which carried over until we were on the fast ferry heading home.. and that is also how Hanna came up with the word snackers.. coz she was still in giggle mode.. looking like a nanna.. with her beach towel draped over her and hoody on to keep the cold out!
Altho the transformation from nanna to tough girl was pretty impressive!
As you can see giggle session was still happening.
The car ride back home.. was silent and Emma was catching flies in the front seat.. maybe she should have been in the back that time.. seeing as I was awake and Hanna had to be awake coz she was driving lol
It was good to be home.. with our sore bike bums!
We arrived..
We found the beach.. went and had a little break, ate a little snackers (this word wasn't made up by Hanna until the ride home but it totally fits here), took a few photos,
So remember how just a few lines up I said that things can only end badly (I had actually twinged my back a little earlier too which didn't help matters).. and I also said throughout the trip that no doubt I am going to fall off the bike.. well.. it... happened.
There I was biking along.. when I saw the hill and thought.. o gawd! Went to change gears and went the wrong way.. which made me lose all the umpf that I had! The next thing I know my wheel turns hard.. the bike starts to tilt over to the side.. I stick my foot down.. I'm on a slant.. the bike is on the path.. I struggle slightly.. I hop.. I can't get balanced and think well I don't wanna go down tangled in the bike coz that is gonna do more damage so I throw myself away from the bike and into the bush I go.. it was at that point that I realise it is not just a bush but the start of the small cliff onto the road below.. I feel something painful go into my back.. along with things scratching at my legs.. I manage to balance myself awkwardly.. so that I don't keep going backwards and actually go down the drop onto the road.. Emma moves the bike out of the way and finally comes to help me up. As an after thought I was kicking myself that I didn't get her to take a pic of me in the bush! Apparently I had the biggest grin on my face.. I wouldn't know as I couldn't see it! lol So anyways.. I'm up.. I ask Emma to check my back, and she discovers a hole in my shirt.. and doesn't stop going on about it.. seriously like it was the most pressing thing! I stick my hand up the back of my shirt.. coz I could feel something wasn't quite right with my back and all Emma could care about was the freaken hole in the shirt. Sure enough there was a nice piece of twig there.. luckily it had only scraped along my back and my bra was holding it in place rather than my flesh.
We made it back to town.. stopped to have some refreshments, giggles (the one beer giggle session #2) and some foodage.. lobster roll for Hanna and I,
Off we went again on the bikes.. out to check out the lighthouse before heading back to drop them back to the bikeshop, ice cream was then had..
The car ride back home.. was silent and Emma was catching flies in the front seat.. maybe she should have been in the back that time.. seeing as I was awake and Hanna had to be awake coz she was driving lol
It was good to be home.. with our sore bike bums!
Get Ya Hotdog Here!
I went to my first... and my last ever baseball game.
I don't get the hype.
Then seem to stand around a lot.. throw the bat a lot.. oh and the ball gets thrown heaps too but I saw more bat throwing action than running action.. go figure aye?
I at least got to have a hotdog! Not the best hotdog ever but it was still a nice hotdog.
I think I'll leave this sport to the true fans.. the people who actually understand it lol
Once we were done with the baseball.. we headed off to Cape Cod.
A fun time was had once we reached our motel.. It was like one of those dodgy motel rooms you seen in the movies that always get raided by the FBI.. I was hoping some excitement might happen.. but sadly it was event-less.
Once all checked in.. we headed out for a look about and to have a spot of dinner.. we also enjoyed some more Mike's. Seriously good stuff! We need it in Sweden!
I finally got to have some clam chowder..
which was tasty but a little on the thin side. Also some mozza sticks were had.. nom nom nom!
Then to finish off the meal I have a rather large serving of fish & chips! I didn't dare waste a single mouthful coz I have no idea when I will get to enjoy it again.. I would still rather have NZ f'n'c tho.. but a girl has to take what she can get. Hanna had the giggles throughout dinner.. which turned out to be the common theme once she had a single beer... which in turn gave me the giggles and Emma the semi giggles.. but more so shaking of ones head coz afterall she is the responsible adult! Someone had to be.. right?
Ice cream was then had and off back to dodgeville we went..
so very glad it was only one night.. the reviews were far too kind on that place.
I don't get the hype.
I at least got to have a hotdog! Not the best hotdog ever but it was still a nice hotdog.
I think I'll leave this sport to the true fans.. the people who actually understand it lol
The best part of the game.. I keep saying match in my head and correcting myself! But at least I'm correcting it now.. so that's a little learning right? Anyways the best part of the game was not any play that was done but was the fact that Emma overheard this "is that your belly button?"Overhearing stuff it really the best.. which reminds me I haven't had a look at the Live Journal site in ages for things overheard in Melb!
Once we were done with the baseball.. we headed off to Cape Cod.
A fun time was had once we reached our motel.. It was like one of those dodgy motel rooms you seen in the movies that always get raided by the FBI.. I was hoping some excitement might happen.. but sadly it was event-less.
Once all checked in.. we headed out for a look about and to have a spot of dinner.. we also enjoyed some more Mike's. Seriously good stuff! We need it in Sweden!
I finally got to have some clam chowder..
Ice cream was then had and off back to dodgeville we went..
Perfecto Breakfast!
Out to breakfast we went.. mine was perfecto!
I however learnt that Americans have different bacon to Canadians.. neither of which are what I think of as bacon.. altho maybe add them together and they look like the bacon I grew up with.. long straight bit with a rounded bit lol Canadian bacon looked more like mini ham steaks. It went well with my eggs all the same.
Afterwards Emma and I headed off to check out the Tattoo Convention.. they were late starting themselves so we didn't really get to see as much as we would have liked.. I would have liked to be able to see some finished products of the tatts that were being done there.. o well
Emma even managed to squeeze in a little more shopping.
We met up with Hanky Hanna & Billy-Goat, only to discover that the Red Sox game had been postponed until the following afternoon.. so we headed to Mike's Pastry Shop and got a few things..
it was all very large and very sickly.. we didn't eat it all but we gave it a good go!
While we were having a munch.. we were at what appeared to be a doggy meeting ground and they had a HUGE bulldog there..
he weighed about 35kg.. which is pretty darn mean really but he was wicked cute! I got to have a pat too.. he also was such a gentleman that he burped at me as soon as he came over.. totally reminded me of Nemo.
There were loads of other dogs there and they were all so ace.. especially the one that looked like a little gremlin.. or well gizmo before you get him wet! He would do this awesome 'purr' when you would pat him.. it made me want him.
After all the doggy fun.. we headed home for a quiet night drinking..
this is some seriously good hard lemonade.. and oddly enough it gets classed as a beer! And watching the new reports about Hurricane Earl. It was finally a bit wet and rainy but quite a fizzle of a hurricane. Afterwards you wouldn't have even thought that there was a hurricane alert lol Back to the beautiful weather. We really have had the best weather throughout the trip so far.. altho in saying that.. it could be a little cooler in the evenings when trying to sleep so I didn't have to try and sleep with the air con on.. that was not fun.
Afterwards Emma and I headed off to check out the Tattoo Convention.. they were late starting themselves so we didn't really get to see as much as we would have liked.. I would have liked to be able to see some finished products of the tatts that were being done there.. o well
Emma even managed to squeeze in a little more shopping.
We met up with Hanky Hanna & Billy-Goat, only to discover that the Red Sox game had been postponed until the following afternoon.. so we headed to Mike's Pastry Shop and got a few things..
While we were having a munch.. we were at what appeared to be a doggy meeting ground and they had a HUGE bulldog there..
There were loads of other dogs there and they were all so ace.. especially the one that looked like a little gremlin.. or well gizmo before you get him wet! He would do this awesome 'purr' when you would pat him.. it made me want him.
After all the doggy fun.. we headed home for a quiet night drinking..
Island Time!
We headed out on the boat today to check out Georges Island and Spectacle Island.
What a beautiful day it was! It is hard to believe that hurricane Earl was looooming! They were taking down the shade shelters and all programmes were cancelled coz of Earl tho..
Enjoying the early morning sunshine while waiting for the boat to arrive!
On the boat!
I actually made a friend on this ride.. he was a little boy and he gave me an awesome high 5! We were awesome together.. little kids rock!
We made it to Georges Island!
I took my first tumble here.. nothing to write home about but I was annoyed that my pants got dirty! Why do I bother wearing light pants? *shakes head*
When there are bars.. one must hand behind them and pretend one is locked up!
Waiting for the boat to go to Spectacle Island.. I made a friend.. I named him Georgio! I fed him bagel!
The wait was long.. about an hour or so. The weird thing about Georges Island was.. we arrived with a bunch of people on the boat.. we got off.. looked around the island and did the touristy thing to do.. and we didn't come across another single soul until we finished again.. and it made me wonder what those people came to the island to do.. ya know?
On the boat again...
Finally the boat arrived and yay we made it to Spectacle Island!
We walked around the Island.. which Em was the best tour guide ever! We got to the top part of the track, took a few pics.. 

and headed on back to the base...
...to have some refreshments!Then the boat we were meant to leave on had some issues, so bypassed us and went straight back to the mainland.. and another boat was sent to us.. however it would take us back to Georges Island first before the mainland.. so that was another 45mins on the water.. we went underneath coz we were a tad burnt.
Once home.. we discovered just how burnt we had got and also that we had goggle face!
Because of said goggle face.. we were allowed to eat at home and Billy-Goat went out and got pizza for us.. we got one no meat pizza and one meat galore pizza.. I really wanted to have it coz it was called 'The Carnivore' with a name like that.. it is a must try! Right?
It was actually very darn good.. I want it again.. if only Boston was closer!
After dinner, we pulled out the miracle fruit tablets.
They tasted foul!
However not as foul as some of the food we ended up trying..
I can see why lemon is the big hit but in saying that it still made me shake.
I didn't mind Guinness.. I don't like it otherwise.
The think the foulest taste of all was.. the next morning. My mouth tasted like ass. I'm sure it smelt like it too. My guts wasn't much of a happy camper either. I guess you get that when you eat a large range of very different tasting things.
We headed out on the boat today to check out Georges Island and Spectacle Island.
What a beautiful day it was! It is hard to believe that hurricane Earl was looooming! They were taking down the shade shelters and all programmes were cancelled coz of Earl tho..
Enjoying the early morning sunshine while waiting for the boat to arrive!
We made it to Georges Island!
When there are bars.. one must hand behind them and pretend one is locked up!
On the boat again...
Once home.. we discovered just how burnt we had got and also that we had goggle face!
After dinner, we pulled out the miracle fruit tablets.
However not as foul as some of the food we ended up trying..
The think the foulest taste of all was.. the next morning. My mouth tasted like ass. I'm sure it smelt like it too. My guts wasn't much of a happy camper either. I guess you get that when you eat a large range of very different tasting things.
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To see Emma's full instagram feed - http://instagram.com/subspeaker (coz you know she takes some awesome pics too.. and some even feature me.. so I have to share those!)
To see Emma's full instagram feed - http://instagram.com/subspeaker (coz you know she takes some awesome pics too.. and some even feature me.. so I have to share those!)