So it appears as tho I wasn't gonna see to the end of 2009 without a winter related tumble. Yesterday it happened. I tumbled. The snow had cleared.. it had rained a bit so the ground was still wet when it decided to get to freezing temps again.. and so there were icy patches.. which we managed to dodge on our way to the supermarket but then while we were in the supermarket.. the weather gods thought.. I'm gonna get you Jo! and it bloody snowed.. just enough to blanket the ground in a very fine silk like blanket.. so you couldn't see all the nasty little icy bits.. so careful I was.. walking along and then it happened.. a HUGE icy patch I stepped on and a tumble bumble down I went.. in my slow motion strange way that I do. It hurt. I didn't cry.. honest! I picked myself up and tried to walk it off. This morning I woke up worse than the day before.. all my joints ache so this is me giving the weather gods the big fuck you, I hate you and if I ever see you in a dark alley I will so kick you in the shins!! That's right weather gods.. the SHINS!
Now I can sense you thinking.. why weren't you wearing your o so wonderful Yaktrax! that you bragged about.. well smartypants.. that would be because there wasn't enough snow for me to be allowed to wear them coz those stupid weather gods made it all go away.
Oh and I have further proof that adults aren't smart cookies.. Emma has managed to throw away one of my birthday gift vouchers.. *poof* bye bye 300sek! but I'm just happy she didn't throw away the IKEA vouchers.. which were in the same envelope to start with.
And on an even brighter note.. Nemo farted me in the face today. I heard it before I smelt it. Maybe I should just go to bed and get up in 2010!
Now I can sense you thinking.. why weren't you wearing your o so wonderful Yaktrax! that you bragged about.. well smartypants.. that would be because there wasn't enough snow for me to be allowed to wear them coz those stupid weather gods made it all go away.
Oh and I have further proof that adults aren't smart cookies.. Emma has managed to throw away one of my birthday gift vouchers.. *poof* bye bye 300sek! but I'm just happy she didn't throw away the IKEA vouchers.. which were in the same envelope to start with.
And on an even brighter note.. Nemo farted me in the face today. I heard it before I smelt it. Maybe I should just go to bed and get up in 2010!