Its already hump day! Time really just speed on by..
I had a pretty low key weekend.. we got our shopping out of the way on the Friday night, which would usually leave me wanting to pull my hair out but it didn't this time thankfully. Having the shopping done on Friday night meant that we didn't have to think about it on the Saturday morning and could just potter at home until it was time for the hair appointment.. we opted to go and buy some strawberries beforehand.. you know just coz it's the time for strawberries so we need to make the most of it. Yum!
Afterwards, looking all pretty and stuffs from just having our hair done we headed to the bakery.. first time this summer! Picked up a little treat before heading to the booze store where we picked up a couple of bottles of booze and a little more ginger beer.. there were only 2 bottles left on the shelf so I snapped those puppies up just incase that really is the last of it. Yum!
Off we toddled with our bounty.. I also had some new shampoo and conditioner from the hairdresser.. that smells.. Yum! Actually it was a good weekend for me.. a new pair of jeans, a new top, new shampoo and conditioner, strawberries, treats, booze and ginger beer.. oh and a hotdoggy dinner before shopping! Yum! I feel like I'm forgetting something, but I just can't place it. Emma got a new gnome book for tattoo ideas.. so she didn't totally miss out on the spoilage! & she is going to Take That on Friday night.. with Pet Shop Boys being the supporting act! I must admit, I'm a little saddened I'm missing that part but o well.
Sunday we headed off to IKEA.. just coz. We picked up a few little things.. as you do when you go to IKEA and it was the first time I got to drive more than a few minutes in the parentals new car.. the car with the spunky colour.. and the more I see it, the more I love it! And the best news is.. they finally have a car that I am comfortable and don't get sick in! Perfecto! It even has little trays in the back too.. noice!
Once home.. we checked into watching the soccer. As it turned out we ended up watching 2 matches.. pretty impressive for me I must say and I actually enjoyed it. The first match was between Sweden and Australia.. and Sweden served up a nice can of whoooop-ass on those Aussies. 3-1 was the score. The second match was between USA and Brazil and omg that match had me wanting to smash the ref to kingdom come! She was fucking... for lack of a better word.. useless! Talk about making some bad calls. And those Brazilians.. they obviously spent more time than usual in acting class on how to get their cheat on.. coz that's what it is, its cheating coz they are pretending that they are hurt when they are not. Emma summed up how I was feeling on the matter in one of her tweets..

I was very happy that USA ended up winning even tho it was quite clear that the ref seemed to have something against them.. they had to play an extra 30mins and then do a kick out but they did it.. even with a player down! Brazil has now gone in my "you suck" pile for sports. Coz they were pretty unsportsmanlike in their behaviour.
This week has been a little gloomy but warm enough so that is the main thing.. right? Yesterday we headed off to Hästveda Marknad, where we got to eat
Langos! It's that time of year again! Wooop! There is just something about that
mouthful of deep fried goodness with lashings of sour cream, cheese and in last nights case garlic.. I usually have red onion but for some reason they didn't have that one there.. still tasted quite fab tho so I was not complaining and the one last night was really fluffy and actually really freaken.. Yum! I totally could have downed a second.. but the line.. well it took long enough to order the first one lol I'll just have to wait until the party starts in Hässleholm to get another and then I will have had my quota for the year.
We saw lots of cute puppies and stuff too.. which is always a delight. There was this one puppy that was part Nemo! Cocker spaniel so not actually Nemo.. and was fast asleep in the owners arms.. so adorable! With one little leg hanging down and the rest all safe in its owners arms and completely none the wiser to the hoards of people coming up and going completely gaga over it and even petting it. I say it.. coz I don't know if it was a girl or a boy.. it was a little darling tho! Also makes me want a puppy.. again.. actually I think that feeling never goes away. Puppies are just too cute.. but then they grow up.
And lastly.. for a little bit of funny, I spent my morning making a little video clip for the song Emma recorded. Her current 'band' is called the 'Imaginary Puffers' Thinking about it now tho, I think it was just meant to be puffer.. but o well.. the video is says puffers so puffers it is! The song is called 'Hello' and I just added a few pics from one of our days in Paris for shit and giggles and made it al come together o so nicely! Or well I think so at least.. you can check it out here.. [
And OMG blogger takes forever to upload videos! Uncool.