Friday, 8 July 2011


Last night Em and I headed off to meet up with Hanky Hanna and Billy-Goat! It will be the last time we see them before November when we WILL go to Boston & New York! I'm determined.. even if the flights just decided to nearly double in the last week! Rude! Anyways.. back to the matter in hand.. we headed off to shout them dinner to celebrate their good news of getting engaged! Now we have a little wedding to look forward to.. when? who knows! It's early days yet but Hanky Hanna and Billy-Goat.. no matter when or even where.. we shall be there! Also, maybe we can house-sit while you are on your honeymoon! hahaha Oh and what comes after getting hitched.. kids! Mind you.. all goats have kids right? 
 Wouldn't they have cute goats..
err I mean kids..
err children!?

The meal was quite enjoyable, it was rather amusing to watch Hanky Hanna sweating her short little tush off with a heated stone in front of her cooking the meat.. it was pretty good meat. I found my burger patty to be a little too well done.. my patty was more crumbly than the apple crumble that was for pudd! But tasted good all the same.. I might just go back there again.. or I might not. I don't head that way often lol Although... the raspberry mojito was quite DeLish! I could do with having another.. or maybe I could make my own.. *ponders*

It's Friday.. housework calls. I hate stairs. That is all.

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