With sunshine, came ice cream.
With ice cream, came happiness!
So far so good this month, yesterday was so nice that Em and I headed to the ice cream wagon after work to get a scoop of some locally made ice cream in a fresh waffle cone. As per usual tho, Em got the bigger scoop.. and it doesn't seem to matter what order we place the order.. the flavour Em decides on is always slightly larger.. it makes me feel like the universe has something against me eating ice cream! It isn't that it is a large amount in difference.. it just makes me wonder a little coz well.. I really have nothing better to do than wonder about why my scoop is always smaller lol
So anyways.. I had a nice creamy, not tart lemon ice cream and Em got some sweet blend.. which wasn't too shabby and then off we toddled to the supermarket to pick up a few essentials for the rest of the week.. namely fresh Swedish strawberries!! So yesterday I not only got to wear shorts, tee, sandals & sunnies.. actually outside, enjoy my first ice cream wagon ice cream but I also got to eat my first strawberries of the season.. not counting the half a strawberry I ate that was from Em's dad's birthday cake.. you can't really count half strawberries!
With the warm weather yesterday, I decided to let Nemo enjoy a peach froyopop (for those not in the know.. that means.. frozen yoghurt ice block) which he enjoyed so very much.. so much so he wanted more when it was all gone.
The forecast....

& na I'm not worried about that little rain at the end there, by the time that rolls again it will be a new forecast and hopefully a sunnier one too!
Now lets talk about something not so sunshiney.. the other day when I was carting stuff up to the storage space in the attic.. I discovered that our totally asshole neighbours have decided to make one of the 'cages' a little home away from home with a tv, light, couch.. and I think I actually walked in on them doing the dirty.. I just can't imagine doing the dirty in a place that is so.. well umm dirty. Have I told you how much I can't stand our neighbours? Em actually told one of the dirtbags off the other day for smoking in the stairwell.. the look on his face was priceless.
Tonight we are having pancakes, fresh strawberries & cream for dinner.. any takers?
So anyways.. I had a nice creamy, not tart lemon ice cream and Em got some sweet blend.. which wasn't too shabby and then off we toddled to the supermarket to pick up a few essentials for the rest of the week.. namely fresh Swedish strawberries!! So yesterday I not only got to wear shorts, tee, sandals & sunnies.. actually outside, enjoy my first ice cream wagon ice cream but I also got to eat my first strawberries of the season.. not counting the half a strawberry I ate that was from Em's dad's birthday cake.. you can't really count half strawberries!
With the warm weather yesterday, I decided to let Nemo enjoy a peach froyopop (for those not in the know.. that means.. frozen yoghurt ice block) which he enjoyed so very much.. so much so he wanted more when it was all gone.
The forecast....

& na I'm not worried about that little rain at the end there, by the time that rolls again it will be a new forecast and hopefully a sunnier one too!
Now lets talk about something not so sunshiney.. the other day when I was carting stuff up to the storage space in the attic.. I discovered that our totally asshole neighbours have decided to make one of the 'cages' a little home away from home with a tv, light, couch.. and I think I actually walked in on them doing the dirty.. I just can't imagine doing the dirty in a place that is so.. well umm dirty. Have I told you how much I can't stand our neighbours? Em actually told one of the dirtbags off the other day for smoking in the stairwell.. the look on his face was priceless.
Tonight we are having pancakes, fresh strawberries & cream for dinner.. any takers?
Just confirm for me, you wore: "shorts, tee, sandals & sunnies" on a 21 degree day? Wow, you've changed, Jop - you've really changed! :P What happened to your southern hemisphere sense of: "it's Winter if it's below 23 degrees"?? :P
ReplyDeleteActually it was 24 degrees on the day that I was writing about there... that day was Wednesday and the forecast is for Thursday onwards.
ReplyDeleteand FYI.. you aussies are the only ones who have that sense.. everyone else lives in the real world. :P
& so I guess you better pack all your winter clothes for the EuroTrip2011!
That's coz we're sun babies! Winter clothes it is....except I suspect the south of Spain and Italy may not be boot and coat wearing territory!
ReplyDelete24 degrees and you're allowed a t-shirt....maybe I'll even let you wear shorts too ;)
So now wouldn't really be the time to say I'm in shorts & tee, with the balcony door open and 10 degrees outside?
ReplyDeleteSwiwi's are made of the toughest stuff!
99% tough, 1% ovis aries ;)