Saturday, 29 May 2010

All About The Duck!

Today we went to feed the duckies and ducklings.. it was more of a welcome feast for the new family that has arrived. I really freaken love ducklings!

Anyways.. here is the first family...
and here are the new arrivals...
and who says that ducklings can't hold their own! Let the stare off begin...After all the excitement it is time for a rest under the comfort of mumma duck...and of course I must include Donald.. he is afterall, my favourite. Shh don't tell anyone.


Comment away.. you know you wanna!
Leave me a banana while you are at it!
A banana a day makes you ready to play!

These aren't the words you're looking for..
To see my full instagram feed -
To see Emma's full instagram feed - (coz you know she takes some awesome pics too.. and some even feature me.. so I have to share those!)