You would think that my week couldn't get worse right.. you know computer issues are not fun but you know what is even worse.. when the overpriced greenhouse gets blown over from the wind.. right in front of a door that opens outwards! So that was the first hurdle to overcome.. and then the next hurdle was trying to get the balcony sorted in the still all powerful wind! I had to move things around the balcony with one hand.. while the other hand held onto the greenshouse so that it wouldn't go flying.. I learnt the hardway what happens if you let it go for just one second.. it flies at you.. crashes into you.. and hurts. Once I got it all sorted and the not destroyed plants back into the unit.. I headed for that trusty fishing line to tie the unit to the balcony until we can come up with a better solution.. but for now this works. When I was out there I noticed one of the plastic pot trays was missing.. I looked down and saw it on the other side of the road.. so off I went to collect it coz I am so cheap I would not have wanted to buy another! haha anyways... it stayed put in all the wind and everything.. right until the moment I bent down to pick it up and then it was like I was transformed into the main star of a silent movie. I am sure many people driving and walking past were having a good giggle at the start of me chasing a plastic freaken pot tray. In the end I won, got it and headed home. I was a sad angry Jo..

Ho Hum I hope today is a better day.
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