Friday started off with picking up our new sleeping bags.. see the size difference..

Friday night we went and saw Transformers.. it wasn't as good as the first, but hey its transformers.. and transformers rock! Autobots! Transform & roll out! Next movie.. Harry Potter, but not until we come back all dirty and sore from the hike lol
Saturday started off with trying this really yummy bread from the bakery, it was the best bread that I have ever had from them.. tasty as.. and who doesn't love a good bread? Then after breaky we toddled off to the land of trimmings and got our hair cut & nearly my eye! Which was pretty funny to say the least. Short hair is a must for summer and hiking I believe! lol I keep forgetting that I have cut all my hair off and I go to adjust my hair tie all the freaken time lol & then I get the massive looking morning hair.. rock on!

After that we headed off to Kristianstad for a spot of shopping, got keens, tees, knick knacks, birthday pressies & strawberries before heading home and just chilling the freak out until Sunday rolled around and we headed off early to go and spray the tent, but once we arrived at the parentals we realised we had forgotten the spray.. yup we are THAT clever! So we had breaky before heading off to do shopping, first stopping by one of the J's so Emma could have a gasbag session.. that girl can seriously gasbag!
Shopping done, home and then relax a bit until we have to go back around to the parentals to let the dog out.. once we arrived we parked up in the outside part and I dozed, inbetween Cato slobbering on me! & while Emma played on the laptop.. we really need a laptop! MacBook Pro please!

That pretty much sums up my weekend.. movies, cuts, foodage, shopping & sleeping.. everything we all need to do to stay sane.. but am I really sane? 1 week to go! eeeeeeeeeeek