Like true midsummer style in Sweden.. it rained. But that is ok coz it was expected. The day started off like any other and then off we toddled to enjoy a small midsummer feast at the parentals.. who doesn't love potatoes and strawberries.. not on that same plate tho! We got all filled up and then headed off on our first little overnight hiking adventure.
Em & Nems at the start in all the gears. LIke all good things it begins with a dirt road! but it wasn't long before we hit bush and ummm sludge! Will the excitement last?

All we had to do to not get lost was follow the orange paint.. that as it turned out was harder than it sounded and at one point we had to back track a little coz we missed the turn.. luckily it wasn't that much of a back track. The other option for me was to just follow Emma...
We then stumbled upon a horse.. who was mighty curious!
Then some sheep..
Ahh nature.. how can you not just love it?
& then an albino slug came out to say hello..
After a good adventure through wetness, sludge, hill & spills.. yes I took a little bit of a tumble.. right before a yucky steep hill actually.. I guess the thought of it made my legs stop working! lol actually my stick(which Emma wouldn't stop praising how much of a great idea it was to buy them as they came in VERY handy and stopped both of us from falling flat on our faces and helped us up the steep unlevel hills.. and steadied us for balancing act going down the hills.. I too must admit they were a GREAT idea!) umm so where was I? oh yes my stick decided it didn't like the area it was resting in and somehow manage to pop up and down I went.. luckily I am a world class faller who has been doing it well for many years that nothing bad actually happened and I came out as good as I went in.. too bad it wasn't filmed! & sorry no pics of me down on the ground either! Not long after the tumble it was time to set up camp for the evening as we were a little buggered.. I had forgotten the couscous so dinner would have just consisted of just soup, but we weren't really all that hungry after the big lunch so we had some hardbreads & chocolate.. dinner of champions! hahaha I didn't get a pic of camp but Emma did and you can have a gander over on her twitter.. 'Tent time!'
Once settled in for the evening I had a killer pillow try to take my eye out!
But it was alllllllllllllllllllllright! I survived! Now time for snoozing.

The night was long.. a little cold and really freaken rainy.. at 1am it started to really hammer down and it really didn't let up.. Nemo was a little bastard all damn night and just wanted to be close to Emma.. alllll the way over the other side of the tent lol Emma didn't want to be near Nemo so he got shitty at me for not letting him over.. he will be over on her side on the long hike.. coz I refuse to deal with him waking me up all night being a turd!
Oh yes and while we are on the topic of Nemo being a turd, at one point during the hike we came across the sludgey area beside a small stream like area and we had the pleasure of trying to figure out how to cross it without getting too icky.. Nemo fluffed about so much that he nearly caused Emma to fall in.. I must say she did really freaken well to manage to stay up right.. I thought she was a goner for sure.. and while that happened I managed to get my foot sucked into the sludge.. up to my ankle.. which was a feat in itself to remove without the other foot getting sucked in a shitload too! It was mighty funny actually.. one of those good hiking moments!
Nemo is actually such a turd to take along that we have decided that he wont be taking his bag, as it is more hassle than what is it worth and he is just all go go go with it on or off.. and after the big hike.. any future hikes will be done without him.. poor Nemo?.. nope.. that will teach him! Prolly not actually.. coz he is just a turd!
Anyways 6am came about and we decided to get up and start the day.. first up was getting everything out of the tent and into the huts that were supplied.. why didn't you sleep in the huts? I hear you wondering.. well that is because we thought it wasn't going to rain anymore.. as it was not forecast to rain in the night and best to get the practice in with the tentage right...wrong! but anyways we start packing everything up and take it all into the huts and choose to leave the tent just up alone to air out a little and hopefully try off.. coz I was thinking.. it couldn't get more wet right?.. wrong again! It decided to bucket on down again! typical! & wow a tent weighs so much more when it is wet!
Here we have Nemo standing guard of all our gear..
Boil water boil! I neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed my coffee!
The breakfast of hikers. Oats & premix cappucino... before it is cooked that is. I can't say that I would enjoy oats uncooked.. can you? Oh and no we don't eat iPhones, matches and tape for breakfast.. just incase it confused you..
Off we go again after getting everything all packed up.. wilderness here we come!! As you can see from the look on my face.. I'm really looking forward to it! lol
After a short stint we came across the lake.. which is where we were actually planning on pulling up for the night.. but decided when we came across the huts that we would just camp there.. Nemo wanted to jump in the lake.. I just wanted to stand there looking like an old lady..

Emma and Nems striking a pose.. there's nothing to it.. Vogue!
Just another pic of me pulling just another adorable face...
Nemo tried his hand at being a MooMoo...

& then we came across some real MooMoo's!
Here we go again with the adorable faces.. Emma has this uncanny knack for taking pics of me being ever so umm.. adorable! hahaha Maybe I was saying cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese?
It was one steamy looking morning.. rather beautiful.. I guess that is one great thing about the rain.. as the sun starts to dry things you get this wonderful steam coming off everything.. made for a lovely walk that is for sure..
After many many MANY hours of walking, I finally get to have a little rest.. which we rest we pick off about a dozen ticks from little Nems.. not cool!
I even found a hitchhiker on my pants.. but sorry mr sluggy.. ho hitchhikers allowed.. he was removed and escorted away! I wonder how long he had actually been there?
After some more walking we came across some more MooMoo's..
The MooMoo's were mighty interested in Nems.. I guess he is a little funny looking!
Once again Emma pulled through with taking an awesome pic of yours truly.. but its a very swedish background *nods* It was the choice between this pic or another one where I am doing yet another cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese face..
We made it home.. with no missing bits and no major injuries.. my heels were a little raw from blisters, but nothing too serious and Emma's hips a little raw from the multiple belts rubbing away at her.. but all in all we made it home goodly.. just a little moody and tender all over.. nothing that a shower didn't help fix.. and boy was it a nice shower.. and now all I can think about is how much I am going to enjoy that first shower after not having one for like 10 days.. stinky I shall be! hahah was a first for me.. is this a first for you?
Once settled in for the evening I had a killer pillow try to take my eye out!
The night was long.. a little cold and really freaken rainy.. at 1am it started to really hammer down and it really didn't let up.. Nemo was a little bastard all damn night and just wanted to be close to Emma.. alllll the way over the other side of the tent lol Emma didn't want to be near Nemo so he got shitty at me for not letting him over.. he will be over on her side on the long hike.. coz I refuse to deal with him waking me up all night being a turd!
Oh yes and while we are on the topic of Nemo being a turd, at one point during the hike we came across the sludgey area beside a small stream like area and we had the pleasure of trying to figure out how to cross it without getting too icky.. Nemo fluffed about so much that he nearly caused Emma to fall in.. I must say she did really freaken well to manage to stay up right.. I thought she was a goner for sure.. and while that happened I managed to get my foot sucked into the sludge.. up to my ankle.. which was a feat in itself to remove without the other foot getting sucked in a shitload too! It was mighty funny actually.. one of those good hiking moments!
Nemo is actually such a turd to take along that we have decided that he wont be taking his bag, as it is more hassle than what is it worth and he is just all go go go with it on or off.. and after the big hike.. any future hikes will be done without him.. poor Nemo?.. nope.. that will teach him! Prolly not actually.. coz he is just a turd!
Anyways 6am came about and we decided to get up and start the day.. first up was getting everything out of the tent and into the huts that were supplied.. why didn't you sleep in the huts? I hear you wondering.. well that is because we thought it wasn't going to rain anymore.. as it was not forecast to rain in the night and best to get the practice in with the tentage right...wrong! but anyways we start packing everything up and take it all into the huts and choose to leave the tent just up alone to air out a little and hopefully try off.. coz I was thinking.. it couldn't get more wet right?.. wrong again! It decided to bucket on down again! typical! & wow a tent weighs so much more when it is wet!
Here we have Nemo standing guard of all our gear..
..good to see he is useful for something!!
Just another pic of me pulling just another adorable face...
..there were loads of MooMoo's.
..what can I say I like cheese!
"So no! I cannot stop praising it!"
Emma Bo Bemma on the topic of walking sticks after it saved her life for the 100th time.
what great photos and man you are good at telling stories. :) karina
ReplyDeleteAwesome work, Jo!! Love the photos and go the stick!