I must say it just isn't the same to do it alone.. but it still tasted goooood!
It is actually more my dinner.. coz Emma is working late and I'm too lazy to cook myself something.
Today has been a long, warm, slow day which started off with me putting my shirt on inside out as well as back to front.. yes I really am that talented! On Saturday I had put my thermal top on back to front.. it was a good hour before I realised.. so I wonder.. when will the next clothing mishap be? Friday perhaps?
Nemo is all nicely trimmed & bathed, which means that tonight before beddies he gets to have a nice fresh dose of frontline.. to fend off them nasty ticks.. which we are still getting off of him.. up to over 40 now! yikes! On Sunday I had a bit of a yikes moment where I was having a cuddle on the couch with Nems and then I felt a tickle on my hand.. you can guess what it was right? A TICK! It is at those moments where my girlish nature really comes out and Emma had to come to my rescue and get it off.. and it was one of the biting ones too.. it put a quick end to the cuddle with Nems I can say that much! I don't want to be bit by one of those.. however I do wonder what it feels like.
Emma also has a bit of a yikes moment.. a different kind of yikes tho.. a very very funny yikes! Nemo pissed on her foot and jandal! muahahahaha
He really is a delightful doggy!
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