Today I was out walking and I came across this little dude churp churp churping away.. so I did what anyone would do.. I tried to take a photo lol
When I first approached the little dude, he was very noisy but soon hushed up and was very interested in what I was.. then when I tried to take pics, the little dude was having none of that so flew at me.. which as you could imagine made me stop trying to take pics.. then he did a runner.. nothing cuter than seeing a little birdy running along the footpath. I caught up.. in a matter of like 3 steps maybe 4 and so the little dude thought it was time for a little rest on my boot but of course as I was about to take a pic of that.. he got all camera shy and hopped off.. he tried to fly away but just could get anywhere which made me brain tick a little and I thought hmm and put my hand down.. low and behold the little dude just hopped right on.. sadly it was the hand that I use to function the camera so I got no pics of me holding my new little friend. After sitting in my hand a little, he grew tired.. maybe my hands stunk? who knows.. but he tried to fly away but just went in a few little circles before deciding that the best place for him was on my arm! It is a little bit ace.. so there I am with a little birdy on my arm, wondering what the freak I should do so I start walking over to the bushy area and just as I am about to reach a tree the little dude takes flight and it was glorious! I felt like a proud mumma birdy! lol Off he flew like it was totally natural for him.. oh wait it is!

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