used in the context of climbing a proverbial hill to get through a tough week.
Today is hump day.. and hump day is good.. this week has been sooo slow.. so its nice to be at hump day! The week started off a little rocky with the death of the brain damaged fish.. since the day we got him he was a bit slow and acting odd.. even the girl who sold him to us made some sort of comment that she thought he was dead or something.. I don't actually recall.. and I am sure if I am wrong Emma will correct me.. the blog nazi that she is! So anyways we lost him but the others all seem fine so that is the main thing.
Sal is doing well and enjoys being fed his frozen bloodworms.. mmm tasty! The first time he didn't finish and so we fed the left overs to the other fish and they went crazy for it.. yesterday however Sal ate them all up so the other fish got no left overs.. awww poor them! but they do get fed every day anyways so its not like they starve the greedy gutsy fishies! Sal is also really enjoying his log that we got him.. he spends more time up on that then in the water.. it makes me think that maybe we should get him another little surface area so he has variety.. I like them to be able to choose where they want to sunbake.. or should I say lightbake?
Umm.. monday we had some left over strawberry pulp that I didn't want to waste so I thought about what I could make and I can up with Strawberry apple crumble pies! & they were sooo goood! I was rather impressed and I didn't use a single recipe.. I just did it all from scratch and from my own mind.. which made me think that something would go seriously wrong! But it didn't and they have been a very nice treat for the last couple of days. Even Emma approves. At least that has been something good for this week.. everything else just pisses me off! Sometimes I feel like a bitter old lady.. I may be bitter but I'm not old.. or am I?
Mitch hedberg - "My fake plants died because I did not pretend to water them."
Sal is doing well and enjoys being fed his frozen bloodworms.. mmm tasty! The first time he didn't finish and so we fed the left overs to the other fish and they went crazy for it.. yesterday however Sal ate them all up so the other fish got no left overs.. awww poor them! but they do get fed every day anyways so its not like they starve the greedy gutsy fishies! Sal is also really enjoying his log that we got him.. he spends more time up on that then in the water.. it makes me think that maybe we should get him another little surface area so he has variety.. I like them to be able to choose where they want to sunbake.. or should I say lightbake?
Umm.. monday we had some left over strawberry pulp that I didn't want to waste so I thought about what I could make and I can up with Strawberry apple crumble pies! & they were sooo goood! I was rather impressed and I didn't use a single recipe.. I just did it all from scratch and from my own mind.. which made me think that something would go seriously wrong! But it didn't and they have been a very nice treat for the last couple of days. Even Emma approves. At least that has been something good for this week.. everything else just pisses me off! Sometimes I feel like a bitter old lady.. I may be bitter but I'm not old.. or am I?
Mitch hedberg - "My fake plants died because I did not pretend to water them."
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