Tuesday, 29 July 2008

The Good.. Bad & Ugly!

Well once again I have been on the rather slack side and not updated in a while.. & once again Emma told me to get off my ass and write one.. so here I am.. sitting in the heat attempting to remember things to write in this entry. I really must remember to keep on top of this blog writing stuffs while Emma is on her hols.. hopefully I will have a few good things to write about and maybe some pics from the various little places we may be going around Skåne!

Ok some good.. We went and saw Mumma Mia and it was as simple as saying awesome.. the cheese factor, the laughs, the everything.. I really enjoyed it.. so much more than I thought I actually would so I was nicely surprised.. and I got to eat some Chunky Monkey Ben & Jerry's ice cream and it was fab!

Some more good.. we went and took Nemo for a swim.. he had a blast and so did we.. he is so very funny when it comes to the water and sticks.. and well I think everyone in their own lifetime should come and experience Nemo swimming coz he is just nuts! NUTS! a good kind of nuts that is! He slept like a log that night too so it was nice to have him out of his room and in with us without having to wake up at all hours telling him off for barking at nothing.. ok its not really nothing but it just annoys me how he goes off like a spaz at any slightest noise.

& some even more good.. Emma and I saw a hedgehog and we tried to give it some water but it didn't want a bar of it.. so after about 15mins of trying to coax it out we just packed up and left.. our hearts were in the right place and thats the main thing... right? Hedgehogs are so very cute!

The best good thing ever... Emma is on holidays.. for 3 whole weeks.. it started off a little rocky with some bad customer service.. which is the bad part of the heading.. it was crazy how slack and unwilling people are to do anything for customers and then when you actually get them to do something they don't even do it right so you get even more pissed off! It took hours.. then days to get the porting process started again for Emma's phone coz they couldn't get it right to start with! Now Emma has to wait a further 8-10 days to get her phone ported.. yes people.. it takes that freaken long in this country when you port your phone number over to another network! CRAZY! Just another chapter of bad customer service here and how something really needs to be done about it but I really wouldn't know where to start.. at all.. and really what could little ole me do?

Now moving along to another bit of bad.. We went and saw The Dark Knight.. and well it was very long winded and having to listen to Batmans voice was driving me bonkers and you have to wonder how raw his throat was at the end of it but yeah all in all I felt the movie was lacking and I don't agree that Heath Ledger deserves an oscar nom for his performance.. ok aussies calm down! its just an opinion! Everyone is entitled to one.. or two in their lifetime! I think my fave Heath moment was when he was the nurse. He did a good job overall.. I'm not knocking that.. its just I don't agree that it deserves a nom... but yeah I'm not in charge of that sort of thing so I'm sure he will get nommed and so you aussies can rest easy. r.e.s.t.e.a.s.y!

Now the ugly.. yes I have made it to the ugly.. the ugly that I have seen is more of smell rather than see.. coz its the heat and that seems to make people sweat loads and not wear smellies so all I can smell is really bad BO when I walk past peoples and wow some people are strong and it makes me wanna sniff my armpits in public just to make sure I don't stink that bad myself. lol

The weather has been so very very very warm as of late.. from first thing in the morning to last thing at night.. and once again it makes me wonder if we are actually in Sweden! Its nice to have some good weather but it would be even nicer if we had some air conditioning.. and most of the stores don't even have it so you can't take refuge there like you can in.. well nearly every where else in the world! Actually I really feel like going shopping.. I wanna buy something good but I just don't know whatta! don't ya hate that?

Wednesday, 23 July 2008

Hump Day!

The middle of a work week (Wednesday);
used in the context of climbing a proverbial hill to get through a tough week.

Today is hump day.. and hump day is good.. this week has been sooo slow.. so its nice to be at hump day! The week started off a little rocky with the death of the brain damaged fish.. since the day we got him he was a bit slow and acting odd.. even the girl who sold him to us made some sort of comment that she thought he was dead or something.. I don't actually recall.. and I am sure if I am wrong Emma will correct me.. the blog nazi that she is! So anyways we lost him but the others all seem fine so that is the main thing.

Sal is doing well and enjoys being fed his frozen bloodworms.. mmm tasty! The first time he didn't finish and so we fed the left overs to the other fish and they went crazy for it.. yesterday however Sal ate them all up so the other fish got no left overs.. awww poor them! but they do get fed every day anyways so its not like they starve the greedy gutsy fishies! Sal is also really enjoying his log that we got him.. he spends more time up on that then in the water.. it makes me think that maybe we should get him another little surface area so he has variety.. I like them to be able to choose where they want to sunbake.. or should I say lightbake?

Umm.. monday we had some left over strawberry pulp that I didn't want to waste so I thought about what I could make and I can up with Strawberry apple crumble pies! & they were sooo goood! I was rather impressed and I didn't use a single recipe.. I just did it all from scratch and from my own mind.. which made me think that something would go seriously wrong! But it didn't and they have been a very nice treat for the last couple of days. Even Emma approves. At least that has been something good for this week.. everything else just pisses me off! Sometimes I feel like a bitter old lady.. I may be bitter but I'm not old.. or am I?

Mitch hedberg - "My fake plants died because I did not pretend to water them."

Friday, 18 July 2008


I forgot to mention that we have a new addition to the aquarium.. his or her, as we don't actually know the sex is a Fire Belly Newt, which we named Sal.. we are thinking after a bit of reading that Sal is a Chinese one. Anyways Sal is very cool.. although all Sal wants to do is hang out on the log that we got for him/her. Sal is very amusing to watch swim that is for sure.. makes me laugh each and every time. The following pic isn't an actual pic of Sal as we don't have one and the camera is at the spa getting refreshed and cleaned.. so this pic is just to give you an idea of what Sal is looking like.. awesome tum huh? I totally think so!

Thursday, 17 July 2008

That is all.

Yep once again I have been pretty slack on the blogging front.. not all that much has been happening and I have been feeling a little out of shorts.. umm I mean sorts.. or do I really?

Well we didn't get up to all that much on the weekend.. ate too much goodness and took it easy-ish really.. then this week has really dragged.. its almost like I am lugging around a 100kg block.. I feel like I am moving so slow and feel so sluggish.. the days seem to drag on and on.. and I don't think it helped that I had to sort out iTunes.. which is the worst program ever and I mean EVER! but its at least all sorted.. until we have to add more music into it! lol I am not impressed with Apple right now.. but I am sure that will pass.. as things usually do.. sometimes I am too forgiving and it only ends up kicking me in the face.. but I wont go into that coz it will only start me ranting on about people and how much people suck! Not all people.. but at the moment it totally feels like it.

Actually that really is all I got.. this week I have pretty much done nothing but get annoyed over iTunes and get pissed off by sucky people.. pretty sad huh? Maybe next week will be betterer.. I guess we will see and for now.. that is all.

iPhone pic-age!

(above) iPhone camera at its best! lol I must say I really do like this pic..
(below) Yummo yummo strawberry cake.. mmm so tasty!

(above) Wonderful shot of little ole me!
(below) The best ever pic of Cato! Just awesome... he is such a cool dog!

First iPhone....

....in Hässleholm belongs to
*drum role*
Emma Bo Bemma!
Yes that is right.. Friday 11 July, Emma and I (and Nems for a small part of it) queued for a stupid amount of time so that Emma could get an iPhone.. and all in all it was worth it.. however I hate iTunes! It shall be the death of me.. Many times I have wanted to throw my computer out the window. I wont go into details but if I had the choice of not using it then I sure as heckles wouldn't!

So Friday was a tiresome day.. waiting waiting waiting.. then we get a spunky new 16GB black iPhone and have to head off to do shopping and pick up a new lens from Malmö so we don't even get to have a fiddle with it.. which as it turned out wouldn't have made a differece if we had of stayed home to fiddle with it as Apple had a hard time with keeping things stable to activate the damn thing.. ok so I shouldn't say damn thing.. I mean o wonderful iPhone who will make the world a much safer place and heal everyone of every illness.. na damn thing is betterer!Anyways it wasn't until rather late that Emma finally got it all activated and up and running and then came the fun task of adding Apps & stuffs. Looking through the Apps Store is interesting.. and leave you wondering why someone would come up with some of the stuff and then an even bigger why as why Apple would accept it! These things are things that we will never know is my guess.

After nearly a week of it being in use.. my opinion on it is that it is a very fine piece of machinery.. but it is not without flaws... like everything else in this world. However I myself am not hanging out to have one for myself but in saying that I wouldn't say no if one just appeared in my hands! lol but yeah it is really enough for me to have a fiddle on Emma's here and there. I think Emma is a little toooo in love with it though.. it hardly leaves her side!

Well, of course, I'm the wrong person to ask. I like to dial numbers with one hand, and maybe I'm the only one.
Bill Gates - Asked if he would buy an Apple iPhone.

Wednesday, 9 July 2008

Bull or Bird?

....Now that is the question that was on my mind as I witnessed this black bird bow its head down and charge at this other black bird in the group of black birds. The black bird it was going for got out of the way.. as you would if something had its head down charging at you. I have never seen that before and will laugh if I ever see it again. Birds seem to be really freaken crazy in this country.. or well this world really!

This week really seems to be dragging.. its only Wednesday and it already feels like this week has gone on way too long! I'm tired.. cranky.. sore and tired! The weather has been wet.. but still warmish. Yesterday each time I walked Nemo I got rained on.. the lunch time one was the worst.. it didn't look like it was going to rain so I was only in a T-shirt and you guessed it.. the heavens opened up and the water came... hard! i tried to take shelter under a tree but it was getting cold and I was still getting wet so Nemo and I just made our way home and by the time we got home we were pretty soaked. Ahh... but it really is kinda refreshing I must admit.. sometimes it is nice to get rained on.

Today seems to be turning into a nice day.. even though it was really dark and gloomy this morning when we got up.. or well by dark I mean not as bright.. it was still l ight enough that lights didn't need to be turned on to be able to see. I didn't want to get up at all this morning.. I just wanted to stay curled up in bed snoozing.. those days will come in a few weeks when Emma is on leave.. hopefully I will have more exciting tales to tell in those days but for now.. I have no real exciting tales to tell so I shall leave it here and go and have some breakfast.

Will Durant - "To say nothing, especially when speaking, is half the art of diplomacy."

Sunday, 6 July 2008

The SpunkGlasses Family!

Nemo SpunkGlasses

Emma SpunkGlasses

Jo SpunkGlasses


Wow! Yesterday was hot.. 32ish degrees! Really lovely day but so very warm. We went to Kristianstad and had a looksie around.. I was hoping to find some funky stuffs but only ended up with some funky underwear, they are seriously funky!! Emma however got a cool pair of shorts and this real funk tee.. which I want to steal.. but that would be pointless coz it wouldn't fit me and if it did.. Emma would just steal it back! It was a pretty good day and it was nice to get out and about.

Another incident happened with the birds of this world.. Emma and I were standing on the balcony looking up at the gap between the wall and the roof.. there was a birds head poking out and then SWOOOOOP it flew out and down and right for us.. I yelped a little and Emma nearly peed her panties... from laughter! She was on the phone to her mum and I'm sure her mum was thinking that we were just bonkers! Which we kind of are! But yeah it made my heart race.. and I must say birds seem to have it in for me! Everywhere I go I seem to find crazy birds.. for instance..
  • pigeon Pete.. the pool water drinker!
  • the crazy birds from the road close to where I worked that tried to eat my eyeballs.. ok maybe not my eyeballs but they chased me!
  • POLLY! now that bird hates me.. with a passion!
  • the birds the swoop at me on my walks
  • the birds from the other day
  • and now the bird from yesterday.. and you know I am sure there are more instances.. but they just don't really come to mind but hey shit happens.. this is more than enough!

Last night we went and saw Narnia.. and I must say I rather enjoyed it.. it was very good.. and of course, Emma drunk too much too fast and half way through she had this urge to go potty! Me on the other hand.. I have much better control.. and didn't feel the need to go potty and could have even drunken more.. more... MORE! & for the first time ever at this cinema the popcorn wasn't completely stale!! I got a fair few nice pieces that just melted.. which is always noice.. & another thing the people weren't massive talkers and there weren't a bunch of noisy bastards there.. or maybe coz it was so freaken loud I couldn't hear anything at all other than the movie.. which was good. All in all I enjoyed my movie night.. and the thing I loved the most about the movie was the dwarf and the humour.. there was plenty of humour... a fair bit of cheese but then it is a kids flick.. but there was plenty of humour.. ROCK ON!! 4 humour!

Reepicheep: We were expecting someone taller!
Trumpkin: You're one to talk.
Reepicheep: Is that supposed to be irony?

Friday, 4 July 2008

A touch of weirdness.

It appears that July is here and already a bit crazy. I have been a bit slack this week with the ole blog writing and Emma has told me off.. plus today has been a bit weird.. its almost like the universe is throwing things at me so that I will actually blog.. so here goes..

Not too much has happened this week.. just the usual.. nothing too out of the ordinary. However the other morning Emma and I are walking to the trainstation and see several dead pigeons.. my guess is that some sick bastard was having what they would call fun and killing them.. they could of at least cleaned up their mess but yeah. Umm we lost a fish.. it decided that it didn't want to live anymore and managed to commit suicide but getting itself caught in the filter.. we don't actually know how on earth it managed it but it did and its dead, so now we have to go and buy some more friends for the remaining fish.. I don't think we have that much luck with fish.. but hey they look pretty while they are alive at least. Another dead thing we saw was a bird that didn't get the chance to actually be born.. there is was with all its goey stuff from the egg.. I do hope that it was accidently killed but yeah.. who knows these days. Maybe we should take a new route to the train station I wonder! But that route means I get to smell the fresh baked bread.. now that is a really lovely smell.. just thinking about it makes me want to go and bake a bread just so I can smell it. I baked a bread yesterday for the duckies and that smelt so good I wanted to gobble it up.. but I refrained!

I am a little angry this week.. or well I am angry about something that has happened.. TV3 in NZ has decided that it will stream Outrageous Fortune on their website but only for people in NZ! Umm HELLO! People in NZ can watch it on the bloody tele!! What about the people who are not in NZ! So now I am unable to watch the latest season and it bloody annoys me.. it was nice to hear the kiwi accent and remind me of home! I guess I will just have to stick to listening to my own voice! lol

I am glad that this week is over and the weekend is here.. not that we have that much planned.. other than having a BBQ tonight and going to the movies tomorrow night to see Narnia! But yeah all in all we don't have all that much on. Today however seems to be full of weirdness.. I think it is going to be like any usual cleaning day but it appears I was wrong.. first I splash myself with toilet water as I am trying to clean it.. it was not nice.. not nice at all captain! and then when I am sitting at the computer trying to become less annoyed at myself.. this True Story Ahead! happens!! Which made me wish that I had a good camera to capture it all on video.. coz even if I was fast enough to get the camera out, still pictures wouldn't have captured the thrill of it all! lol Everything else goes semi smoothly.. thank goodness.. coz I think I may have lost it if something had of annoyed me more. I get all the housework done and then head off to walk Nemo and that all goes well.. except Nemo is the turd that he has become coz it appears that a bitch is on heat and all he wants to do is sniff and lick where she has been.. and his tongue does this crazy vibrating thing when he has got something that he really likes.. but yeah anyways so moving on to the other weird thing that happened.. I open the downstairs door to come inside after the walk and a freaken butterfly flies right at me and lands on my nose... my freaken NOSE! so I shake my head trying to get it off and after a few shakes it flies off out the door.. I swear if anyone was watching they would have thought that I was some kind of crazy freaky retard! Even Nemo looked at me oddly! Like he has the right!

So now I shall leave you with a pic of the mess Nemo made while he ate his breakfast.. he really is a messy little prick! I also wish I better at using Emma's damn chunky camera! Ahh well poop happens and at least it is a semi decent pic even though it is a weird subject! lol
Rita Rudner - "When I eventually met Mr. Right I had no idea that his first name was Always."

True Story Ahead!

Once upon a time there was a young lass who was minding her own business at her computer.. when she heard a commotion at her balcony door.. which was in fact open coz it was a lovely day. This lass looks over at her balcony door to see one small bird(who we shall name bird1) crashing into the.. I guess you could call it the door step of the balcony door.. and then it went into the umm.. join of the door. That is not the end.. there is more.. there is a large bird(who we shall name bird2) that crash lands into the side of the Wii console and flutters and crashes about on the shelf under the TV.. trying to get turned around to get the freak out! Meanwhile another bird(who we shall not name coz this is the only time that they appear in the story!) has crashed into the side of the TV and has quickly pulled itself together and had flown away before anyone can actually comprehend what the freak is going on! The lass just sits there all confuzzled and just as she stands up the big bird2 that had flown into the Wii console has finally made it out from that shelf and bounced out the door and flown off.. thankfully it bounced the right way.. towards the outside instead of more into the apartment.. that would have been even more freaky for the young lass. Just as bird2 passes bird1, bird1 tries to fly away but flies straight into the balcony barrier and back down again into the join of the balcony door, where it sits breathing heavily. The lass calls her girlfriend.. coz it was just all such a shocking thing to happen that she had to semi share it with someone.. right then! While she is on the phone.. the lass is a little freaked out about the possibility that she might have to touch the bird and that it might actually be injured and not able to fly.. the lass pulls the panel curtain across so that she can hide behind it.. more for the sake of the bird.. so that it couldn't see her and get even more freaked out.. coz we all know that birds are a l ittle freaked out by humans! Who can blame them.. humans are crazy! The girlfriend tells the lass to make sure that she puts on gloves before handling the bird.. the lass gets off the phone with the girlfriend and goes to the cupboard to get gloves and as she returns she sees that bird1 has managed to climb up the panel curtain a little. The lass peers around the corner at bird1.. bird1 peers back at the lass.. the lass notices that the wing looks a bit weird and just a second later bird1 launches off and makes it over the balcony barrier and flies off as fast and as far as it can. The lass watches bird1 fly off until she can no longer see it. It was a shakey start but bird1 seemed to straighten up just fine. The lass takes off her gloves and then notices that bird1 has pooped all over the area that it was.. how lovely the lass says to herself. While all this happened, the trusty guard dog slept and didn't once come and investigate.. that is until about 30mins later.. he came out and checked out the balcony! Yep he really is the best guard dog around. The End.
These aren't the words you're looking for.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56_S0WeTkzs
To see my full instagram feed - http://instagram.com/jocrumbs
To see Emma's full instagram feed - http://instagram.com/subspeaker (coz you know she takes some awesome pics too.. and some even feature me.. so I have to share those!)