Hello, mah name is Nemo. I am rocking an early morning moustache for mah trip to Stockholm. It's very early and I could do with some more sleep! |
The train was so much fun but I slept for most of it at the feets of mah mummies. Oooo smells good! But I was glad to get some fresh air once we arrived. I even decided I would attempt to chase that seagull over there. Sadly, it just flew away and all I could do was look on and look pretty. I guess you can say I modelled through it. |
Moving on from the seagull, we all headed off to watch the changing of the guard. As you can tell, I am rather short so it didn't go so goodly. At least these were all new peoples so I just watched them. It is more exciting than it sounds but then I got to meet the Goats and that was great! |
I had a pretty relaxing night in the hotel but a bit nervous being in new surroundings. I didn't have the best sleep and let's be honest, I am not really a morning dog anyway. I always look like I have been out all night sniffing the good stuff. |
Mah mummies and I headed off into the land of great smells! We headed off through the gates of peacefulness, where I got to do some, sniffing, walking, panting, pulling and even herding of mah feathered friends. It was lots of fun. It was very hot and so mah tongue spent more time hanging out! |
Shitty mummy put me up here to pose with this dude, while she hid behind.. I didn't behave and jumped down the first time, so she had to keep her head poked out to make sure I didn't do it again. I am such a little devil. |
We headed out towards some water. I love water and all I wanted to do was jump in! I wasn't allowed though, such mean mummies I have. I grabbed the chance to hang out in the shade.. did I mention it was hot? |
Next stop! Town! Where I got to be all tourist like and pose. I would have preferred to keep my nose down and inhale the goodness. |
Shitty mummy once again putting me on stuff and then hiding. Sometimes I wonder what that woman is on. Isn't Stockholm pretty? |
Oh my goodness. I really have no words. Shitty mummy is SO embarrassing. |
My early evening was spent with mah mummies down by some more water. It didn't matter how reasonable I was being.. they just wouldn't let me go in for a dip. Is this not the face of reason? Instead, they took me back to the room and I just dreamt of swimming. It wasn't so bad, I prolly would have been too tired to swim with all the walking I had done. |
Another day.. another walkfest! We walked over a bridge, I saw another little doggy.. they didn't want to say hello, but I couldn't help by chuckle at their mummy coz she had ice cream all over her face! That old lady in red was wearing more of the ice cream I reckon, I considered offering to lick it off.. but that would be weird. I do love ice cream though. Shitty mummy gave me some of her ice block so that was good enough. |
It's another hot day.. as you can see by mah tongue!! I am having a ball in Stockholm, I would love to come back. There is SO much water. |
I even managed to get mah art in and checked out this crazy colourful thing. Rolling on the grass is something I miss doing, apartment living makes grass a novelty and mah mummies aren't much for letting me roll in dirty areas, I think I was allowed this time coz it was holiday time. Which is awesome! Don't get me wrong, they let me roll at home on mah brown rug. I love mah brown rug. Mah mummies were very good at keeping me hydrated, even if I would turn mah nose up at it coz I wanted to keep on going. Water is delicious to drink and swim in! |
I even managed to get in a little sunbathing.. not that I need more colour, lets face it I'm dark enough. |
It was home-time and so I got to sit at the train station, It was a very happy time for me. I loved it in Stockholm, I smiled lots but I was happy to get going home, happy to be going on a train. I do love going on trains, I fell in love on a train once, a few years ago.. with a rotti, she was beautiful. We would have been magic together. You know it. I know it. Tom Jones know it.
Mah life rocks!
Disclaimer: All words are Nemo's own, just translated in a more readable language for you and tidied up. Also removed all the " "ooo shiny" "oooo drink" "ooooo candy" *zonk*- "sleeping now" " moments during translation.
I love the shitty mum photos!