Tuesday, 6 December 2011

So Much Shopping!

Meet our hosts for the week.. Hanky Hanna & Billy-Goat.. holding up the trashy Swedish plate we got them! We are nice like that! Bahahahahaha

They were kind enough to have Reese's Peanut Butter Puffs & cheese in a can ready for me when I arrived! I was stoked! It only took 3 Boston trips to finally get my hands on this shit! & it was actually quite tasty! I'd top that shit on everything if I could! Bahahahahaha yeah not really but it was nicer than expected thats for sure! Here.. have a couple of pics of me cheesing it up!

Our first day of Boston consisted of.. Emma driving! Yes people.. she was once again let lose behind the wheel! This time she was in control of the silver bullet! She was cool.. calm and acting like a total Bostonian driver.. ok not totally but she had her moments where she released her inner Jedi! There was one very awesome VROOOOOOOOOOM moment! Which doesn't really have the best effect when you type it.. but the most important bit was her VROOOOOOOOOOM-ing!

First let us go back slightly to waking up.. Hank & Billy-Goat had mentioned that before they left for New York, the turkeys had been out in full force and seen causing havoc in the neighbourhood like the villainous creatures that they are! Sadly, once they knew a superhero was about.. they hightailed it outta there and were not seen.. that made for a sad Jo! Err I mean superhero!

After an initial struggle with the GPS not able to find its location.. we set off on our shopping adventure! And shop we did do.. first stop was an outlet VILLAGE... yes people a freaken village! The place was huge and it had streets! We got our shop on.. we got our shop on goooood! As you can see from our boot.. [click me for the awesome boot shot! oh you know you wanna! click it!] Also, I'd like to add.. there was still a few more bags to come after this shot.. coz we hit up a shopping center.. which brings me to the little story of when Emma accidentally drove into the line of another driver at an intersection.. and the driver of the other car exclaimed rather loudly.. "Really? REALLY!!?" and then proceeded to drive around us in a very pissed off fashion! It was hi-lar-ious! But what was even funnier was when Emma then proceeded to say.. *"I must admit, I wasn't in the most optimal of places" (* = not exact wordage but the effect is the same) Which made the whole situation even more hi-lar-ious! 

Now to move onto a not so hilarious situation back at the freaken village... we had been there so long that we were getting hungry so of course we headed to the food court to pick up some over priced crappy food court food. There wasn't the greatest of things to pick from so we opted for a stuffed pizza from some place that I can't even remember the name of.. but that doesn't matter. The first issue started when I ordered and the dude went to just give me a normal slice of pizza and I was like.. no thats not what I want and then he rattled something off and I had the hardest time understanding him.. seriously his english was so terrible that no matter how hard I tried.. I couldn't understand a word he was saying.. in the end I got something that was bready and cheesy.. and good enough to fill the void in my stomach. The issues didn't stop there.. the biggest issue happened once we finally made it to the counter to actually pay for said warmed food.. which by this stage was already really cooling off.. the cashier was completely useless. Once there, she then procceded to overcharge me. Then couldn't fix it. Then a co-worker couldn't fix it. Then they had to call the 'Manager' which I'm still not convinced he was.. she then went to give me change from my already wrong change which she still hadn't actually given me. I don't really feel like this is easily explained but basically.. the. girl. should. not. be. allowed. a. job. simple. and then when all was sorted with paying and the change.. for hadn't even given me the drink I had paid for! Faaaaark! The lady behind me was really really pissy by this stage coz all she wanted was a shitty looking salad.. when there was a salad bar right next door which had hardly any customer LOL serves her right in my opinion. but yeah.. this whole process took all up around 20ish minutes and by the time we got to sit and 'enjoy' our crappy food.. it was stone cold. I guess you get what you pay for in a crappy food court right? So much for a quick bite to eat before more shopping! The story is really best being told via voice.. coz it doesn't come across soooo long winded like a boring book or something.. and you get extra little tidbits of the shit that happened.

A day of shopping is pretty darn tiring.. so a night in was totally called for.. plus we had to rest up for our big day getting inked the following day! I enjoyed a couple of banana bread beers before hitting the sack. Bliss

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To see Emma's full instagram feed - http://instagram.com/subspeaker (coz you know she takes some awesome pics too.. and some even feature me.. so I have to share those!)