Saturday, 31 July 2010
Monday, 26 July 2010
We Finally Got Started...
Yep that's right folks! We finally got freaken started on the 'mammoth' task of painting the lounge and hallway.. well we haven't actually done any painting yet.. we just got started on the stripping of wallpaper. Which was bloody horrible to do.. glue happy bastards. Not to mention what was underneath looked betterer than what on on top! Not to say that it was great.. just betterer. The hallway is looking brighter already.. which is nice so its gonna look fab when everything is all done and looking exactly how we want it.. which won't actually be for a number of weeks.. coz we are still yet to order the required coolness factors to put on the walls. You know what wasn't so cool tho.. having to wash the walls!
Ahhh what else was done.. we went and saw Inception. I quite liked it.. I like it when I go to the movies and it isn't a total shit experience.
I really don't have much more to say so I shall just leave you with this pic of Nemo wearing his new jumper.. o how smart does he look?
and yes.. that is a set of head scans framed on the wall..
of some random person we don't know.
Ahhh what else was done.. we went and saw Inception. I quite liked it.. I like it when I go to the movies and it isn't a total shit experience.
I really don't have much more to say so I shall just leave you with this pic of Nemo wearing his new jumper.. o how smart does he look?

of some random person we don't know.
Tuesday, 20 July 2010
It Left Me Perplexed...
It's Tuesday.. I was meant to blog yesterday but I really could not be buffed!
Where do I start? How about Friday.. coz I can't remember all the way back to the start of last week which was the last time I put fingers to keyboard and bashed something out.
Sooo.. Friday, Em and I headed off to Malmö to have nosy about, look in a few stores.. go to the American Store and pick up some Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.. which can you believe they didn't freaken have!! First no boysenberry jam in Copenhagen and now no Reese's! What will it be this Friday? So anyways.. we picked up a few things from the store.. a new ginger beer for me to try at least and off we went. TGIF for lunch and then off to the Modern Museum.
Which left me more perplexed about art than I ever was before. I just don't get it. Some art I get but I basically didn't 'get' any of the art that was on display there that day... It however is a pretty choice building.. see..

The train ride home felt long and uncomfortable.. and we got mistaken as German.. even tho we were sitting there speaking in English.. some people.
In the evening we took Nems to the swimming hole for a little dip.. he really loves the water.. the whole time he was just full of excitement and making o how excitement noises.. it was really rather cute and of course he had to chew a stick.. stick his head right under the water and shake the water all over me! It really is the only way to have fun!
Saturday and Sunday were pretty low key.. nothing overly exciting to report. Nemo had some kind of blood blister on his tongue which looked positively gross. It's betterer now. Nemo also went to the vet to get his 3 yr shot for doggy stuffs. Good times. Oh Nemo also woke me up a little after 4am coz he needed to go out.. and walked like a complete weirdo, with his ass nearly hitting the ground.. for nearly the whole walk coz he couldn't find the 'right' spot to empty on.. I was tired and unimpressed.
In other Nemo news:
Yesterday.. he didn't like watermelon and was quite scared of the 'bowl'. Last time I ate watermelon and the 'bowl' was left.. Nemo lapped up all the watery goodness with great guster.. but yesterday he was afraid it was going to lap him up with great gusto. He really is weird.
Today.. he didn't like me.
Tomorrow.. he will find something else to not like.
Had BBQ for dinner on Sunday.. around at the parentals. Nom nom NOM!
I am pretty darn content.
Where do I start? How about Friday.. coz I can't remember all the way back to the start of last week which was the last time I put fingers to keyboard and bashed something out.
Sooo.. Friday, Em and I headed off to Malmö to have nosy about, look in a few stores.. go to the American Store and pick up some Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.. which can you believe they didn't freaken have!! First no boysenberry jam in Copenhagen and now no Reese's! What will it be this Friday? So anyways.. we picked up a few things from the store.. a new ginger beer for me to try at least and off we went. TGIF for lunch and then off to the Modern Museum.
Which left me more perplexed about art than I ever was before. I just don't get it. Some art I get but I basically didn't 'get' any of the art that was on display there that day... It however is a pretty choice building.. see..

The train ride home felt long and uncomfortable.. and we got mistaken as German.. even tho we were sitting there speaking in English.. some people.
In the evening we took Nems to the swimming hole for a little dip.. he really loves the water.. the whole time he was just full of excitement and making o how excitement noises.. it was really rather cute and of course he had to chew a stick.. stick his head right under the water and shake the water all over me! It really is the only way to have fun!
Saturday and Sunday were pretty low key.. nothing overly exciting to report. Nemo had some kind of blood blister on his tongue which looked positively gross. It's betterer now. Nemo also went to the vet to get his 3 yr shot for doggy stuffs. Good times. Oh Nemo also woke me up a little after 4am coz he needed to go out.. and walked like a complete weirdo, with his ass nearly hitting the ground.. for nearly the whole walk coz he couldn't find the 'right' spot to empty on.. I was tired and unimpressed.
In other Nemo news:
Yesterday.. he didn't like watermelon and was quite scared of the 'bowl'. Last time I ate watermelon and the 'bowl' was left.. Nemo lapped up all the watery goodness with great guster.. but yesterday he was afraid it was going to lap him up with great gusto. He really is weird.
Today.. he didn't like me.
Tomorrow.. he will find something else to not like.
Had BBQ for dinner on Sunday.. around at the parentals. Nom nom NOM!
I am pretty darn content.
Monday, 12 July 2010
While It Thundered Outside...
My o my it was a bit of a warm one. We hit the 30's! It was kinda awesome and kinda hot and kinda sweaty! We were rather grateful that we had a nice balcony to sit on and enjoy the nicer weather.. especially when there was a tiny breeze. Breakfast on the balcony on a warm morning really does rock it.
However with all the warmth.. you know that something had to happen and last night while watching the soccer that something was thunder and lightening.. which seemed to be right above us! It was actually a little ace.. and extremely hard to take a photo of with a poopy little camera like mine.. poop happens. It at least cooled things off a tad.. which was nice but it didn't last long.. about an hour really... altho it was still thundering a little this morning and it seems as a result of this bad weather Emma's train was replaced by a bus.. not fun at all.. glad it ain't me.
On Saturday we sat down to enjoy some cheese, crackers, strawberries and boooze and it was quite lovely.. I really do love cheese.. mind you how could you not?
Emma also made it home safely on Saturday with a new replacement Kosta Boda bowl.. but she forgot my watermelon! So this week I have no watermelon.. whatever shall I do? Eat apples.
I'm really loving Emma having long weekends.. every weekend.. why can't it be like this always? I am a firm believer that weekends should be 3 days.. always!
However with all the warmth.. you know that something had to happen and last night while watching the soccer that something was thunder and lightening.. which seemed to be right above us! It was actually a little ace.. and extremely hard to take a photo of with a poopy little camera like mine.. poop happens. It at least cooled things off a tad.. which was nice but it didn't last long.. about an hour really... altho it was still thundering a little this morning and it seems as a result of this bad weather Emma's train was replaced by a bus.. not fun at all.. glad it ain't me.
On Saturday we sat down to enjoy some cheese, crackers, strawberries and boooze and it was quite lovely.. I really do love cheese.. mind you how could you not?

Emma also made it home safely on Saturday with a new replacement Kosta Boda bowl.. but she forgot my watermelon! So this week I have no watermelon.. whatever shall I do? Eat apples.
I'm really loving Emma having long weekends.. every weekend.. why can't it be like this always? I am a firm believer that weekends should be 3 days.. always!

Saturday, 10 July 2010
Bums And Breaking Bowls...
My week has been pretty meh.. activity wise but freaken awesome weather wise. Why can't it be like this all year round? Mind you there is something nice about being all cozy inside lazing about.
Anyways.. yesterday was the mark of 7 long.. err short.. err wonderful years of being with Emma Bo Bemma and to mark the occasion she very lovingly said this to me...
My love for your ass is this big... |______|
Your ass this this big.............. |______________|
Nice. Real nice Emma.
Well moving on.. we didn't really do much to mark it, we went into Kristianstad and did a spot of shopping.. didn't really find all that much to write home about.. except..
We found Kosta Boda bowls at a rather nice price and so we grabbed a couple for a birthday present for Hanky Hanna. Purchase completed. Bowls wrapped. Bagged and off we go home as it was later than we thought and the stores were closing.. We grab a drink from the store.. drink it.. keep the can coz you have can't just throw it away when you can get a 'penny' for it.. wait for the train.. Ride the train.. Get off the train.. still have the empty can.. walk the short distance home, up the stairs and THEN.. Emma fumbles coz the bloody can is dribbling the tiniest bit.. you know how you just can't get the can empty.. well that little bit that was left over was pouring all over her and so yeah trying to do something she ended up dropping the bag and well.. breaking one of the bowls. Funny, Sad, Annoying, but more than anything kinda funny.. bye bye $50! Altho Emma didn't quite see the funny side to start with.. but I'm sure now she can.. and currently as I type this.. she has gone back to the store to purchase another one.. hopefully it is still at the noice price. So... what a Kosta Boda bowl should look like... click me for picture and....
Also it was good good that we decided to go into Kristianstad coz well.. a pet store was having a closing down sale.. no we didn't buy any pets but we did manage to finally find a winter jacket for Nemo and a new sweater.. and the best thing is it cost us less than the smashed bowl.. actually for a little less than the smashed bowl we got, the jacket and sweater previously mentioned, 2 salt things (one that looked like a giant dildo) for Polly the evil bird, a new plastic toy for Polly the evil bird, some candy for Nemo.. which didn't make it into the bag when the lady packed it all up and we didn't notice until we got home.. what is it with people ripping us off? Such is Life.
Once home we headed off around to the parentals to drop off the Polly goods and partake in a beer for me and cider for Emma and kick back for a gasbag session while Nemo gets some quality time with all. Then it was the long walk home and it was nearly 10pm! Time sure did fly on by.. must have been a good day. It was on the walk home that Emma made the comment of not loving my ass..
Ok.. now I am just going to say.. Georg if you don't blog soon then I am going to go on a blog writing strike until you put fingers to keyboard and produce something!! 2 weeks its been.. 2 weeks! So produce something lady! Produce!!
Oh and in other news: Our wild strawberry plants are producing well.. very well! Not full bowls worth but more than just nibbing on one at a time.. which is good coz they are small! lol
Anyways.. yesterday was the mark of 7 long.. err short.. err wonderful years of being with Emma Bo Bemma and to mark the occasion she very lovingly said this to me...
My love for your ass is this big... |______|
Your ass this this big.............. |______________|
Nice. Real nice Emma.
Well moving on.. we didn't really do much to mark it, we went into Kristianstad and did a spot of shopping.. didn't really find all that much to write home about.. except..
We found Kosta Boda bowls at a rather nice price and so we grabbed a couple for a birthday present for Hanky Hanna. Purchase completed. Bowls wrapped. Bagged and off we go home as it was later than we thought and the stores were closing.. We grab a drink from the store.. drink it.. keep the can coz you have can't just throw it away when you can get a 'penny' for it.. wait for the train.. Ride the train.. Get off the train.. still have the empty can.. walk the short distance home, up the stairs and THEN.. Emma fumbles coz the bloody can is dribbling the tiniest bit.. you know how you just can't get the can empty.. well that little bit that was left over was pouring all over her and so yeah trying to do something she ended up dropping the bag and well.. breaking one of the bowls. Funny, Sad, Annoying, but more than anything kinda funny.. bye bye $50! Altho Emma didn't quite see the funny side to start with.. but I'm sure now she can.. and currently as I type this.. she has gone back to the store to purchase another one.. hopefully it is still at the noice price. So... what a Kosta Boda bowl should look like... click me for picture and....

Also it was good good that we decided to go into Kristianstad coz well.. a pet store was having a closing down sale.. no we didn't buy any pets but we did manage to finally find a winter jacket for Nemo and a new sweater.. and the best thing is it cost us less than the smashed bowl.. actually for a little less than the smashed bowl we got, the jacket and sweater previously mentioned, 2 salt things (one that looked like a giant dildo) for Polly the evil bird, a new plastic toy for Polly the evil bird, some candy for Nemo.. which didn't make it into the bag when the lady packed it all up and we didn't notice until we got home.. what is it with people ripping us off? Such is Life.
Once home we headed off around to the parentals to drop off the Polly goods and partake in a beer for me and cider for Emma and kick back for a gasbag session while Nemo gets some quality time with all. Then it was the long walk home and it was nearly 10pm! Time sure did fly on by.. must have been a good day. It was on the walk home that Emma made the comment of not loving my ass..
Ok.. now I am just going to say.. Georg if you don't blog soon then I am going to go on a blog writing strike until you put fingers to keyboard and produce something!! 2 weeks its been.. 2 weeks! So produce something lady! Produce!!
Oh and in other news: Our wild strawberry plants are producing well.. very well! Not full bowls worth but more than just nibbing on one at a time.. which is good coz they are small! lol
Monday, 5 July 2010
And So We Ate...
What a wonderful weekend! The weather was just so warm.. and perfect really.. ok maybe not perfect coz at times it felt a little too hot but you get that on the big jobs and I don't dare actually complain coz I am just LOVING the warmth! Coldness you can just stay away!
Saturday and Sunday we spent the days.. not doing all that much really, I was trying to stay out of the direct sun coz of my sunburn.. Emma headed off to the park to do a spot of reading in the outdoors.. that was shortlived however.. when a bird shat on her mat. Birds really are evil! Soccer was watched.. so therefore more bad decisions were made. A spot of baking was done.. which didn't all go to plan but at least we got to enjoy this plate of goodies..
For breakfast on Sunday I cracked open.. or well at first I stabbed it with a knife, which then gave a nice crack and allowed me to use my hands to pull it apart.. 2 nice big watermelon bowls!
Off I went with half a watermelon and a spoon! Offered Nems some watermelon but he snubbed it.. however later that day he thought it was very nom worthy when I was finishing off what I couldn't eat for breakfast lol He really is a weird doggy.. cute all the same!
All in all I really enjoyed my weekend and am loving having Emma home for that extra day... for now that is! hahaha
Saturday and Sunday we spent the days.. not doing all that much really, I was trying to stay out of the direct sun coz of my sunburn.. Emma headed off to the park to do a spot of reading in the outdoors.. that was shortlived however.. when a bird shat on her mat. Birds really are evil! Soccer was watched.. so therefore more bad decisions were made. A spot of baking was done.. which didn't all go to plan but at least we got to enjoy this plate of goodies..

For breakfast on Sunday I cracked open.. or well at first I stabbed it with a knife, which then gave a nice crack and allowed me to use my hands to pull it apart.. 2 nice big watermelon bowls!

All in all I really enjoyed my weekend and am loving having Emma home for that extra day... for now that is! hahaha
Friday, 2 July 2010
We Got Ripped Off...
Today Emma and I decided that Copenhagen was going to be our first Free Friday Activity.. free as in Emma is free from work, not free that it costs nothing... coz in reality the day cost $140ish.. which isn't too bad for a day out.
We step off the train, and head off on our way and the first thing that takes our eye is a very weird looking man.. which looked more like a woman, sadly we didn't get a photo front on for you to enjoy also.. win some, lose some. After a little more walking we came across this eatery.
Which was almost right next door to the Church of Scientology! We opted not to eat there.. the Aussie place not the church.
Moving on we headed to our first touristy stop was.. The Round Tower.
I was actually giving the thumbs up but Emma decided my thumb wasn't good enough to be in the photo but the dicky look on my face clearly makes the cut.. hot. At the top Emma's bag found its long lost baby bag.. on the back of some old woman! The baby bag seemed happy enough so we opted to leave it in her capable hands but managed to take a nice family portrait for the family album before heading off.
Apparently we HAD to have a photo of this car..
I still don't understand the importance.
Every new corner has a new stink. Not of the nice variety either. It was a really beautiful day tho!
Then off we toddled to the changing of the guard.. I half expected them to break out and sing some boy band song. Digging those hats.
We also met an Aussie couple.. from Geelong. They were nice, Emma took a photo of them.. on their camera so don't go thinking she was being creepy. Then we were walking behind some more Aussies.. what are the odds? High it seems. Then we walked along the wharf.. where we came across David and his small penis. Emma felt the need to point.. I'm sure that hurt his feelingz.
We walked around some.. went into a few stores, where we saw a dude in an All Blacks jersey.. dunno if he was a kiwi. Saw a few more sights.. you know touristy stuff before heading to Riz Raz to eat and drink a rather large beer.. it was apparently 'medium'. I so should have gone with the small. Look at the size of this medium beer! (click me for photo) We finished up, paid the bill and headed off to the mini mart to pick up Boysenberry Jam.. which they had none! NONE! What a freaken stinker! Total shyte way to end a top day! Then on the train, Emma realised that we had actually been ripped off for our meal.. about $15 worth of rip off! The meal was nice enough, but not nice enough to have been charged an extra $15.. oh well that will teach us for being in good spirits and not really paying attention.
At the train station they changed the platform on us at the last minute so we had to scoot over.. uncool. But we did see bunnies.. put those knives away BK!
The ride home was long.. and kinda boring and I really discovered how burnt I was..
Then when we arrive they don't pull the train in enough and we don't have a platform to get out on and we have to actually jump down.. uncool. Such a douchey thing to do.. especially once we realise that at the front of the train there is still plenty of bloody room for them to go forward.. which they eventually do.. once everyone is off.. douchebaggery!
Ahhh finally home, showered, moisturised and enjoying an iced coffee. Bliss.
We step off the train, and head off on our way and the first thing that takes our eye is a very weird looking man.. which looked more like a woman, sadly we didn't get a photo front on for you to enjoy also.. win some, lose some. After a little more walking we came across this eatery.
Moving on we headed to our first touristy stop was.. The Round Tower.
Apparently we HAD to have a photo of this car..
I still don't understand the importance.
Every new corner has a new stink. Not of the nice variety either. It was a really beautiful day tho!
Then off we toddled to the changing of the guard.. I half expected them to break out and sing some boy band song. Digging those hats.
We walked around some.. went into a few stores, where we saw a dude in an All Blacks jersey.. dunno if he was a kiwi. Saw a few more sights.. you know touristy stuff before heading to Riz Raz to eat and drink a rather large beer.. it was apparently 'medium'. I so should have gone with the small. Look at the size of this medium beer! (click me for photo) We finished up, paid the bill and headed off to the mini mart to pick up Boysenberry Jam.. which they had none! NONE! What a freaken stinker! Total shyte way to end a top day! Then on the train, Emma realised that we had actually been ripped off for our meal.. about $15 worth of rip off! The meal was nice enough, but not nice enough to have been charged an extra $15.. oh well that will teach us for being in good spirits and not really paying attention.
At the train station they changed the platform on us at the last minute so we had to scoot over.. uncool. But we did see bunnies.. put those knives away BK!
Ahhh finally home, showered, moisturised and enjoying an iced coffee. Bliss.
Thursday, 1 July 2010
Once Upon A Time...
Once upon a time there was a dog who was out taking his companion for a walk, happily the dog was sniffing, pissing and pulling along the way when they came up to a tree.. it was such a fine tree, so the dog moved in closer and was sniffing the tree and he rounded the trunk, the companion saw a little baby bird on the ground as the dogs paw was about to come down right on top of it! Luckily.. the companion was quick thinking and tugged the dog slightly which changed the dogs course of action.. the paw went down elsewhere but caused the bird to move, which in turn caused the dog to notice that there was something on the ground.. that.. moves! Which then caused the dog to do a little jump.. a funny little jump.. a jump that can only be witnessed to be believed. It was very cat like. The bird still standing by the tree.. looking around wondering what to do next, so the companion.. being the kind soul that she is picked up the little baby bird and held it high in the air, remembering the baby bird incident from last year and just waited for it to attempt to fly again.. and it did.. and it struggled to fly back up into its tree but it did make it and it was a very touching moment. The bird seemed happy and was now safely back in the tree.. until it once again attempts to fly and hopefully can fly betterer. The dog got to piss on the tree and then be back on his way. The companion felt good about doing another good deed and found herself wondering if this means that the big adult birds will stop flying at her head.. probably not as it is an easy target said the voice over in the companions head. The End.
In other news: Nemo likes nectarines today.
In other news: Nemo likes nectarines today.
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To see Emma's full instagram feed - http://instagram.com/subspeaker (coz you know she takes some awesome pics too.. and some even feature me.. so I have to share those!)