Where do I start? How about Friday.. coz I can't remember all the way back to the start of last week which was the last time I put fingers to keyboard and bashed something out.
Sooo.. Friday, Em and I headed off to Malmö to have nosy about, look in a few stores.. go to the American Store and pick up some Reese's Peanut Butter Cups.. which can you believe they didn't freaken have!! First no boysenberry jam in Copenhagen and now no Reese's! What will it be this Friday? So anyways.. we picked up a few things from the store.. a new ginger beer for me to try at least and off we went. TGIF for lunch and then off to the Modern Museum.
Which left me more perplexed about art than I ever was before. I just don't get it. Some art I get but I basically didn't 'get' any of the art that was on display there that day... It however is a pretty choice building.. see..

The train ride home felt long and uncomfortable.. and we got mistaken as German.. even tho we were sitting there speaking in English.. some people.
In the evening we took Nems to the swimming hole for a little dip.. he really loves the water.. the whole time he was just full of excitement and making o how excitement noises.. it was really rather cute and of course he had to chew a stick.. stick his head right under the water and shake the water all over me! It really is the only way to have fun!
Saturday and Sunday were pretty low key.. nothing overly exciting to report. Nemo had some kind of blood blister on his tongue which looked positively gross. It's betterer now. Nemo also went to the vet to get his 3 yr shot for doggy stuffs. Good times. Oh Nemo also woke me up a little after 4am coz he needed to go out.. and walked like a complete weirdo, with his ass nearly hitting the ground.. for nearly the whole walk coz he couldn't find the 'right' spot to empty on.. I was tired and unimpressed.
In other Nemo news:
Yesterday.. he didn't like watermelon and was quite scared of the 'bowl'. Last time I ate watermelon and the 'bowl' was left.. Nemo lapped up all the watery goodness with great guster.. but yesterday he was afraid it was going to lap him up with great gusto. He really is weird.
Today.. he didn't like me.
Tomorrow.. he will find something else to not like.
Had BBQ for dinner on Sunday.. around at the parentals. Nom nom NOM!
I am pretty darn content.
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