Monday 26 April 2010

"wherefore art thou Emna"

And that is another weekend down but at least this weekend was a good weekend.. weather wise! Ok it was a pretty good weekend all around really as we got the foodage shopping done, as usual nice and early before the madmen are there playing bumper trolley and just plain out right getting in the bloody way! Then home to wash the windows.. finally got around to doing it! They were so gross! The biggest downfall for living right on a 'main' road. Then we got to fluff around a bit until it was time to go and have our trims.. at the end of Emna's trim, there was enough hair to maybe make a toupée for a mouse! lol

Afterwards, we headed off to the parentals to do a spot of washing.. which took a little longer than expected coz Emna didn't know how to use the parentals new washer and ended up starting the wash over again at the end of it.. those are some very clean jeans at the end of it at least! We helped Emna's dad remove the cover to the pool and fold it up.. which was a bit of fun with the wind. Emna tried to save a buzz o bumble from the pool.. but sadly, it was too late. I hung out and watched Polly the bitchy bird be kinda funny.. she hates me alot but she thinks I'm ace if I just sit on the couch in her room and wave my arms about. Eventually she tricked Emna into sticking her finger in the cage and of course it got bitten. She is a bitch afterall so we couldn't go away from the house without her doing something. The bird that is.. not Emna.

Now you may have noticed that I have been calling Emma.. Emna. You may be wondering why.. well all your answers will be over and I shall tell you.. she changed her name. Yup simple as that! lol actually what happened was.. Emna got a new debit card, so she had to sign it and Emna being Emna signed it Emna, not Emma so from now on she shall be known as Emna.. until I can't be effed remember that it's Emna.. but after this post I think Emna will have stuck.

Sunday we finally got around to actually setting up the balcony, now it is all spunk. Hopefully the green grassy looking stuff turns into flowers in the black rubber 'pots' so that we then have some colour out there.. the seeds were only dumped in there the weekend before but they have grown well so far. I especially like watching how they grow towards the light.. its fun to turn then around and watch them change direction. Anyways now all we need is the weather to be really nice so we can sit out there and have it be enjoyable. All that is really left to do is find something funky to put up on the left side to block some wind.. which is going to be much harder than it sounds.. seriously.

Hard to believe that April is nearly all over red rover.


  1. Emna kinda sounds like enema... :P

  2. Sounds like or looks like?

  3. I hope it doesn't look like enema.... :P

  4. Then we have concluded you need a hearing aid rather than a seeing aid :P


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