Monday, 12 April 2010

"meh, typical"

Lately I have been trying not to leave the apartment without my camera... coz well I was seeing too many funny things around me that I wanted to take snaps or videos of.. but as you can guess that as soon as I am armed with the camera.. nothing happens! Nothing snap worthy has happened at all.. nothing, nada! Yesterday.. I decided to leave the camera at home on an early morning walk to the store and what do I bloody see! A squirrel! A snap worthy squirrel! Meh, typical!

Anyways.. yesterday was a beautiful day. The sun was shining and we could actually go outside without jackets on! Granted we still had to wear a jumper of some sort, it wasn't that wonderful out there but it was just so nice to not have to worry about putting a jacket of some sort on. Soon it will be t-shirt weather! Yippeeee!

Nemo has been very happy with all the sunshine as of late, especially with how it beams into the kitchen.. he spends most of his morning in there lapping up all the sun rays, and warming them old bones.. he will be 11 in a month after all. I am sure if he could get up onto the window sill all by himself he would, and spend all his morning up there in the sun, looking out at all the peoples.

The weekends are over too quickly, even tho this weekend felt like everyone had gone away.. it just didn't feel busy at all.. or maybe whenever Em and I were out.. people would hide? Bring on the summer when Em has 2 months of long weekends.. then 2 weeks of Boston!!

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