Ok.. we did it.. today we tried the Marmite chippies.
They were.. not as bad as one might think.. but maybe that had something to do with that fact that they only had the tiniest hint of flavour.. Emma likened them to a BBQ chip.. & I am inclined to agree. I made a chippie sammie.. and the bread & butter did wonders.. but then again what chip isn't great in a sammie? Mmm now I want twistie sammies!! Anyways back to the marmite.. the smell of them were much stronger than the taste but I guess that is a good thing.. however it left Emma's hands smelling of Marmite all day.. which she didn't like so much. Mine didn't stink coz well.. washing a bunch of dishes will wash off any stink.. good or bad. I miss the days of having a dishwasher! Now I am the dishwasher.. *pout*

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