Welcome April.
My month started off with a bang.. ok maybe not a bang but rather the sound of clippers getting rid of all Nemo's excess fur and turning him from a dog straight out of the 70's to a dog that is being shipped off to the army. Buzz cut all the way!
He looks so much cuter with it all long and shaggy but sadly when it is wet.. he is hard to dry as his fur is SO thick.. and also he gets matted very easily and it isn't a fun time for him to be brushed.. it isn't a fun time for me to brush him either. & then if we were to keep it long for the summer.. he would overheat something shocking given that it is SO thick.. and matted and you again have that brushing issue.. so he gets a buzz cut and all is well.. and he is a different kind of cute. Also it makes me feel like we underfeed him coz he is SO damn skinny! Oh and some more about Nemo.. here he is a YouTube Video of him having a bark and roll around.. I think he needs to barking lessons to sound like a real mandog! Mind you he has been known to be more high pitched than what you are about to witness...
After all the trimming excitement.. Em and I headed off into Malmö, to enjoy lunch at T.G.I.F before strolling around town. It was much busier than expected but I guess after months of cold and snow everyone just wants to be out and about as often as they can. We only stayed for a couple of hours.. didn't buy much at all really but did overspend at the american store.. and once again we couldn't resist buying a packet of overpriced Tim Tams.. but really o so worth it! However they didn't have any Creme Eggs.. shocking I say.. SHOCKING!! We made up for it with buying lots of goodies.. and even something that can't really be classed as goodies coz well it's freaken Marmite! We got Marmite chips!! Now that should be an experience trying them.. especially given that neither of us like marmite! hahaha but we just couldn't pass up the chance to try them.. however we are yet to break them open and stick any in our gobs! I shall hopefully remember to blog the verdict.
Anyways once we got home, we had a bit of a rest before taking off to do foodage shopping for the weekend.. coz we weren't sure if/when the shops would be open.. turns out they are open the whole time.. good to know, good to know! However no rest for the wicked.. we had to get stuck into making Easter goodies for the parentals.
First up were the peppermint fried eggs.. which I even made a tinfoil coated carboard frying pan for.. how ace am I? I am actually VERY proud of my frying pan making skills.. I reckon I could make anything out of cardboard, duct tape & tinfoil.. even a little townhouse with a flushing toilet! hahahahaha No but seriously... my frying pan rocked it! Anyways here is a pic of the finished products.. Peppermint Fried Eggs & Ace Frying Pan!
Next up were the Nests. Adorable right?
& lastly.. or should that be 'stupidly', as neither of us bothered to think or read the recipe beforehand which stated it required a 2 hour standing period *rolls eyes* We have the yummiest ever Lemon Truffles!
By the time we got done with everything it was 11pm and I was well ready for bed! That has been the latest that I have been up since.. well New Year's Eve.. I don't really know what that says about me other than I am an old boring sod.
Nemo then woke us up 6am.. which is still a sleep in but yeah.. luckily emma eventually got up and took him for his morning walk while I got to lounge in bed.. which I didnt coz well.. it's boring in bed once you have actually woken up.
Once up we lounged about, watched a few shows and had Chocokin for breakfast.. OMG we are SO bad! but it was SO good! Can you pass this up?
Nom NOM Nom!
Emma's mum called and asked if we could go and help with the planting of some plants and then Emma discovered that she had a nemo hair in her foot.. which turned out to be two.. which then turned out to be three! in the same spot! but first lets get on to the first.. there I am, trying my hardest to remove this hair from her foot, all the tools needed, tweezers, pin and headlamp! Handy thing that.. how have I lived so long without one before? Anyways.. so there I am trying my hardest to get the job done and all the while Emma is moaning like she is freaken dying! How did this girl ever get a tattoo? I manage to get one only to discover that there is another one.. right in the exact same spot.. only deeeeeper! I keep going.. Emma keeps acting up.. a couple of times just as I am about to grab it she pulls her foot away in pain! and then she comes out with "let me breathe! let me breathe" just as I manage to actually get the testy little fucker out! It totally reminded of those moments where you have a wiggly tooth as a kid.. and you cry and carry on about it going to hurt when someone is either going to yank it out.. or the whole tie it to a piece of string and then tie the string to a door and then close the door.. and then the kid is like "was that it?" once it comes out.. you know what I am talking about yeah? Well it totally reminded me of one of those moments and so Emma is screaming "let me breathe" and then I say "I got it" and she was all like.. "Oh"
It is these moments in life that I wish I was allowed to record Emma Bo Bemma! I could make MILLIONS off of her on Home Video Shows! hahaha Oh and for the record.. Nemo hairs in ya foot really does hurt.. ALOT!
Anyways once that was all over.. we got our skates on and headed around with goodies to garden.. well goodies to eat but to do the gardening. It really is quite dirty work working with ummm.. dirt! Makes me glad that I don't have to do it often.. not really my cuppa tea, altho I think if I did have my own vege garden I wouldn't mind it as much... While we were there
Emma had "I'm a youngen" moment and jumped over the gate.. hurt her foot.. sometimes she needs to be reminded that she isn't 3 anymore! Altho how impressive would it be for a 3 yr old to jump over that fence lol Nemo got to enjoy seeing Nanny & Pop! I swear he loves them more than me.. mind you he has known them longer than me...
We do all that is needed and then head home and once home it is time to make leek quiche.. which is sooo easy and sooo tasty! Afterwards I finally actually get to have some real time to put my feet up and just do nothing. In the lounge I go to lounge! Bliss. Emma then decides to have one of her crazy long baths.. which is where she discovered that she still had one more nemo hair in her foot and so I.. of course had to be the hero and remove it.. which was much easier after her foot had softened up in the bath. Mind you one good thing comes out of Emma having crazy long baths.. it is a good time for me to blog! If you can call that a good thing.. especially considering how long this one is.. are you now saying "let me breathe!"?
So on that note I shall end here with this.. Just how ace was my frying pan exactly?
My month started off with a bang.. ok maybe not a bang but rather the sound of clippers getting rid of all Nemo's excess fur and turning him from a dog straight out of the 70's to a dog that is being shipped off to the army. Buzz cut all the way!
After all the trimming excitement.. Em and I headed off into Malmö, to enjoy lunch at T.G.I.F before strolling around town. It was much busier than expected but I guess after months of cold and snow everyone just wants to be out and about as often as they can. We only stayed for a couple of hours.. didn't buy much at all really but did overspend at the american store.. and once again we couldn't resist buying a packet of overpriced Tim Tams.. but really o so worth it! However they didn't have any Creme Eggs.. shocking I say.. SHOCKING!! We made up for it with buying lots of goodies.. and even something that can't really be classed as goodies coz well it's freaken Marmite! We got Marmite chips!! Now that should be an experience trying them.. especially given that neither of us like marmite! hahaha but we just couldn't pass up the chance to try them.. however we are yet to break them open and stick any in our gobs! I shall hopefully remember to blog the verdict.
Anyways once we got home, we had a bit of a rest before taking off to do foodage shopping for the weekend.. coz we weren't sure if/when the shops would be open.. turns out they are open the whole time.. good to know, good to know! However no rest for the wicked.. we had to get stuck into making Easter goodies for the parentals.
First up were the peppermint fried eggs.. which I even made a tinfoil coated carboard frying pan for.. how ace am I? I am actually VERY proud of my frying pan making skills.. I reckon I could make anything out of cardboard, duct tape & tinfoil.. even a little townhouse with a flushing toilet! hahahahaha No but seriously... my frying pan rocked it! Anyways here is a pic of the finished products.. Peppermint Fried Eggs & Ace Frying Pan!
Next up were the Nests. Adorable right?
& lastly.. or should that be 'stupidly', as neither of us bothered to think or read the recipe beforehand which stated it required a 2 hour standing period *rolls eyes* We have the yummiest ever Lemon Truffles!
By the time we got done with everything it was 11pm and I was well ready for bed! That has been the latest that I have been up since.. well New Year's Eve.. I don't really know what that says about me other than I am an old boring sod.
Nemo then woke us up 6am.. which is still a sleep in but yeah.. luckily emma eventually got up and took him for his morning walk while I got to lounge in bed.. which I didnt coz well.. it's boring in bed once you have actually woken up.
Once up we lounged about, watched a few shows and had Chocokin for breakfast.. OMG we are SO bad! but it was SO good! Can you pass this up?
Emma's mum called and asked if we could go and help with the planting of some plants and then Emma discovered that she had a nemo hair in her foot.. which turned out to be two.. which then turned out to be three! in the same spot! but first lets get on to the first.. there I am, trying my hardest to remove this hair from her foot, all the tools needed, tweezers, pin and headlamp! Handy thing that.. how have I lived so long without one before? Anyways.. so there I am trying my hardest to get the job done and all the while Emma is moaning like she is freaken dying! How did this girl ever get a tattoo? I manage to get one only to discover that there is another one.. right in the exact same spot.. only deeeeeper! I keep going.. Emma keeps acting up.. a couple of times just as I am about to grab it she pulls her foot away in pain! and then she comes out with "let me breathe! let me breathe" just as I manage to actually get the testy little fucker out! It totally reminded of those moments where you have a wiggly tooth as a kid.. and you cry and carry on about it going to hurt when someone is either going to yank it out.. or the whole tie it to a piece of string and then tie the string to a door and then close the door.. and then the kid is like "was that it?" once it comes out.. you know what I am talking about yeah? Well it totally reminded me of one of those moments and so Emma is screaming "let me breathe" and then I say "I got it" and she was all like.. "Oh"
It is these moments in life that I wish I was allowed to record Emma Bo Bemma! I could make MILLIONS off of her on Home Video Shows! hahaha Oh and for the record.. Nemo hairs in ya foot really does hurt.. ALOT!
Anyways once that was all over.. we got our skates on and headed around with goodies to garden.. well goodies to eat but to do the gardening. It really is quite dirty work working with ummm.. dirt! Makes me glad that I don't have to do it often.. not really my cuppa tea, altho I think if I did have my own vege garden I wouldn't mind it as much... While we were there
Emma had "I'm a youngen" moment and jumped over the gate.. hurt her foot.. sometimes she needs to be reminded that she isn't 3 anymore! Altho how impressive would it be for a 3 yr old to jump over that fence lol Nemo got to enjoy seeing Nanny & Pop! I swear he loves them more than me.. mind you he has known them longer than me...
We do all that is needed and then head home and once home it is time to make leek quiche.. which is sooo easy and sooo tasty! Afterwards I finally actually get to have some real time to put my feet up and just do nothing. In the lounge I go to lounge! Bliss. Emma then decides to have one of her crazy long baths.. which is where she discovered that she still had one more nemo hair in her foot and so I.. of course had to be the hero and remove it.. which was much easier after her foot had softened up in the bath. Mind you one good thing comes out of Emma having crazy long baths.. it is a good time for me to blog! If you can call that a good thing.. especially considering how long this one is.. are you now saying "let me breathe!"?
So on that note I shall end here with this.. Just how ace was my frying pan exactly?
ReplyDeleteYour frying pan talents know no bounds. Seriously! They are just delightful! Can you remind me to make them next Easter - v. cool!
ReplyDeleteOn another note, how on earth can a dog's fur be so coarse it permeates human skin?!?
When the foot warms.. the skin softens and the fur makes it way in.. the foot then chills and the so the skin hardens and the fur is trapped inside. It hurts. If you are lucky then you don't have to dig it out coz the fur has been kind enough to leave a 'head' poking out for you to grab onto. It is seriously kinda painful.. as silly as it sounds.
ReplyDeleteOh and I prolly wont remember in a year to remind you to make candy.. but you can set your iPhone to remind you :P
They are little stabby fuckers.