Well it is Monday again.. a very fogging Monday at that.. so foggy in fact that by the time I got home from my morning walk with Nemo I was all dewy and wet and so was Nemo! It wasn't cold at least.. it seems to be ever so muggy lately.. if I didn't know better I would think that it was earthquake weather.. but its not so its all good. It was meant to rain all day today.. but it hasn't.. not that I am complaining but yeah I wish the weather would make up its mind and that the weatherpeoples would actually get it right.. I guess thats too much to ask right?
The weekends weather wasn't much better.. hot, muggy and wet but at least I got to eat cake.. carrot cake.. cupcake.. sandwich cake! Mmmm pure goodness! The only thing that I made was the cupcakes.. with Emma's help and they were nice.. of course but I didn't get any with the frosting on coz by that stage I was over the whole cupcake thing lol
The parentals did however get us 3 big bags of candy and one bag being that of m&m's but sadly not of the peanut variety which are my fave.. but any m&m's are so very fab! Mmm just thinking about them makes me wanna make my way to the fridge and break open the bag.. but I wont.. I want to enjoy them with Emma while watching something great.. possibly WALL·E
Well I shall leave things here with a big I hate iTunes!! and a really pretty pic that Emma took of me.. its just so beaut yeah?
The weekends weather wasn't much better.. hot, muggy and wet but at least I got to eat cake.. carrot cake.. cupcake.. sandwich cake! Mmmm pure goodness! The only thing that I made was the cupcakes.. with Emma's help and they were nice.. of course but I didn't get any with the frosting on coz by that stage I was over the whole cupcake thing lol
The parentals did however get us 3 big bags of candy and one bag being that of m&m's but sadly not of the peanut variety which are my fave.. but any m&m's are so very fab! Mmm just thinking about them makes me wanna make my way to the fridge and break open the bag.. but I wont.. I want to enjoy them with Emma while watching something great.. possibly WALL·E
Well I shall leave things here with a big I hate iTunes!! and a really pretty pic that Emma took of me.. its just so beaut yeah?

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