Is exactly what Nemo is.. I don't think I have ever met a dog who hates his photo being taken as much as Nemo does. He can be doing something cute and as soon as he sees you whip out a camera.. he stops or he moves or as we found out last night.. grumbles and does a crazy little bark until you stop.. and Emma being Emma just doesn't know how to stop and keeps taking photos coz well she just loves doing such things. Here is a pic of Nemo take refuge on me.. trying to escape the camera.. but as you can clearly see its not working coz Emma keeps on going.. & how big does my nose look in this pic? seriously HUGE! not cool! lol Oh and incase you are wondering.. he is yawning.. I would like to say he was telling Emma off.. but that would be a lie.. but it does look like he is giving her a good telling off! lol
So once again Friday has rolled around.. gotta love Fridays.. being the end of the week in all.. and next Friday, Emma and I will be in Boston dining on more than likely a Friday's Burger! oh hell yeah thats the life I say.. its been since I lived in Melbourne that I have had a Friday's burger.. mmm my mouth is watering just thinking about it! Awesomeness! I am actually starting to get quite excited about the trip.. I know I am a bit of a delayed reaction kinda girl but it is still a week away before we leave.. and the flight.. I am not looking forward to that.. but I am sure it will all be well.. and hopefully we get some decent airplane food.. as crazy as it sounds.. I actually do like airplane food.. maybe its coz of the whole individually wrapped things.. coming so neatly.. and sometimes just bite sized.. I am a HUGE fan of everything bite sized.. if its bite sized I will love it.. unless its something totally gross.. like Kalles Kaviar.. doesn't matter how many times I try that stuff I still can't take a liking to it.. but hey at least I have given it a try.. I'm always willing to try things a couple of times just to make sure I really don't like it lol
Today is actually a very bright blue day.. not overly warm.. but its not raining so that is at least something. Nemo is snoozingo n the couch.. his spot on the couch coz he is a good boy like that. Its pretty silent in here apart from the clanking of me typing.. I don't have music going coz then I get carried away and always forget to do washing.. which is what I am doing and in 10mins I have to head on down to stick the last load on.. o fun!
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